Comparison Between Python vs Node for Backend Development

    May 24, 202131 min read7678 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    Comparison Between Python vs Node for Backend Development

    The face-off between Node.js and Python is a long due fight. Node.js vs Python are two of the most analyzed backend technologies on the web - the first is more seasoned and more settled while the latter is best in class. Using the right backend technology related to the project’s use-case is important. It decides the performance, ease of deployment, adaptability, resource consumption, and at times even the actual achievement of the project.

    In any case, your decision of backend ought to altogether be based on your development requirements. This article dives into explicit measurements for deciding on the viabilities of Node.js and Python as back-end designs. Since both are extremely famous for web app development, an intensive correlation is important before you pick one over the other. However, how would you pick a backend language?

    It is advisable to go through the nature, details, financial plan, specifications, and necessities of the project to choose the backend language you will go with. To settle on this decision, we have come up with a comparison of Python vs Node.js for backend development with regards to the op specifications to look out for while creating a project for you to stay clear with instructions whenever you are looking for backend development services. 

    Node.js vs Python: Overview

    The key difference between Python vs Node.js is that the previous one is a runtime environment fundamentally subject to Javascript. It's utilized for applications that are every now and then connected with web workers and intended for ideal registering asset usage.

    What is Node.js?

    As Node.js as a backend language is event-driven, it's adaptable and carries extraordinary efficiencies to the task. Its offbeat nature prepares it to deal with concurrent requests without obstructing the I/O activities. Most development groups favor Node.js to utilize JavaScript on both clients and server-side.

    What is Python?

    On the other side, Python is an undeniable,  high-level, and object-oriented full-fledged programming language. Since it's been around for nearly 30 years, it has a huge load of libraries, APIs, and accessible tools. Python is helpful for a few programming standards, and it's broadly utilized for business applications. 

    Its community, libraries, and supporting platforms are broad. Henceforth, it is an ideal programming language for most organizations that are needed to foster applications for various and frequently uncorrelated use cases. 

    Speed and Performance


    In comparison between python vs Node js performance, Python is relatively slower in performance as it measures demands in a single stream, in contrast to Node.js, where best-in-class multithreading is conceivable. The utilization of Django may make it easier to deal with high loads up to a degree, however, that actually doesn't make it a reasonable choice for mobile applications. Python can be a significant setback if you need a fast recall of data from the server. 


    The effectiveness and speed of Node.js code are tremendously expanded by the basic snappy V8 engine, deciphering JavaScript code to machine language, conveying excellent performance.

    • Much better performance than Python because of the Google-funded V8 engine.
    • You can code outside the internet browser utilizing TCP attachments which makes Mode.js more resource-efficient.
    • Node.js development permits storing of fetched information which is probably not going to change, adding to a higher speed than Python web development.
    • It is responsive with a lesser loading time.


    Feature secs mem gz busy cpu load
    Python 1.36 111,852 1403 2.64 32% 40% 33% 88%
    NodeJS 4.89 1,149,928 668 5.96 1% 6% 24% 91%


    Feature secs mem gz busy cpu load
    Python 1.28 12,024 567 1.29 0% 1% 100% 0%
    NodeJS 1.28 36,568 599 1.29 0% 0% 99% 2%


    Feature secs mem gz busy cpu load
    Python 46.28 241,108 1967 176.42 94% 97% 95% 96%
    NodeJS 15.61 396,176 1812 43.89 63% 93% 42% 84%


    Feature secs mem gz busy cpu load
    Python 7.20 1,005,184 814 10.75 20% 53% 48% 29%
    NodeJS 2.09 1,534,860 1480 4.40 40% 60% 75% 36%

    Trending Technologies


    In this period of shrewd innovation, Python for web development has been the go-to decision for moving technologies like Machine Learning, Data Science, and IoT. For ML, a few tools and libraries exist alongside specialists locally for those looking for help. For IoT, a pocket variation of Python exists, called MicroPython, that empowers Python support for IoT gadgets.


    Node.js is also fit for working for IoT gadgets, however, it's undeniably more popular for creating web applications that incorporate continuous interchanges and real-time communications. Node.js is being utilized progressively as a server-side framework because of JavaScript's popularity.



    Python's syntax makes it easy to compose fewer lines of code to accomplish more. Python as a backend language is liberated from curly brackets, making it easier to understand and troubleshoot. Most people can peruse Python code effectively, which makes it a very beginner-friendly programming language.


    Node.js syntax is incredibly similar to the browser’s JavaScript syntax, and earlier information with JavaScript should pose no challenge while working with Node.js. 


    Scalability characterizes the straight development of resources needed alongside an expansion in functionalities of an application. This ought not to be a reconsideration; it ought to be a factor for picking your backend language from the get-go. 


    Python has issues with threads. It's based on the Global Interpreter Lock, which doesn't permit it to work a few threads immediately. This implies that you can't run another process before the consecutively verifiable cycle is finished.

    Despite the fact that Python is progressively composed, it's to a greater extent a disadvantage as far as scaling is concerned. Bigger groups can think that it's hard to keep up code when the task scales. 


    Node.js development works with multithreading by means of its asynchronous architecture, prompting simple scalability. Node.js gives you enough adaptability to stay away from the core. Thus, rather than making a core and afterward scaling everything around it, you make a bunch of microservices and modules. 

    At the point when your application is scaled, these microservices and modules can powerfully run their own cycles. Henceforth, you can scale the application horizontally by adding nodes to the current ones and you can extend it vertically by adding resources.


    Universality denotes the number of various applications a programming language has. It is very hard to judge which is "more general" than the other as both have an immense number of use cases and can be utilized across numerous platforms. 


    • Python can be utilized for both back-end and front-end development.
    • It allows cross-platform usage (that is, a similar application might be utilized on Mac, Linux, and Windows.) However, for this situation, you should install a Python interpreter too on Windows.
    • Python would be the top pick for IoT and Natural Language Processing(AI and ML), however less for mobile application development. 


    • One of the essential explanations for the prominence of Node.js development for backend is the fact that it is a Javascript tool. 
    • Permits you to create both frontend and backend with a similar programming language – permitting you to recruit one team to do both. So it ends up being very proficient as far as resources. 
    • It has cross-platform usefulness and a similar desktop application can be utilized on Mac. Linux and Windows OS. 


    Node.js vs Python

    Another basic factor you should look at prior to picking between Node.js vs Python for backend development language is architecture. Architecture is for the most part of two types- synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous programming languages don't engage further demands until the current task is finished. Asynchronous programming languages, in contrast, can easily run parallel processes. 


    • It is coordinated and consequently, moderate. So if your task is something like a chatbot, you'd prefer not to pick Python. Nonetheless, you can use the Python Asyncio library to run parallel processes.
    • It isn't event-driven. Once more, you can make it event-driven using modules like CPython. 


    • Both output and input are asynchronous, making Node.js development quick and henceforth the top pick for chatbots and games. It can deal with several requests and has incredible speed.
    • It is event-driven.


    Libraries are significant assistance in web development. Most sites have a great many lines of code and engineers would like to pick a language that would have libraries that can be utilized to diminish the weight – as code reusability would be vital to time-productive turn of events. In comparison between Node vs Python let's have a look at who has more libraries and documentation. 


    • Package manager – PIP
    • PIP has tremendous documentation and a few libraries and this makes it a top choice for engineers, alongside perfect, minimized code. Nonetheless, you should remember that not all of the newer frameworks have such documentation.


    • Package manager – NPM
    • With 350,000 packages, NPM is the greatest storehouse on the web.
    • Documentation on Node.js is huge just in view of its prevalence. This significantly helps developers by making a smooth learning curve to absorb information for the language. 


    The one region where both Node.js and Python remain on equivalent platforms is the community. Both the languages have an energetic following and a huge community, to such an extent that it is never exceptionally hard to track down help!


    Python is fairly older than Node.js, and it is additionally open-sourced. The user community has a huge number of contributors with various degrees of involvement. By and by, should you be an entrepreneur or an engineer, you always profit from the large community.


    The Node.js community is huge and dynamic. It is a mature open-sourced language with a colossal user community. It's ten years after its launch and developers from everywhere the world has grown to love this innovation. As an entrepreneur, you can easily find and hire Node.js developers

    Learning Curve


    Python isn't written in a mainstream language like Node.JS. Thus, its grammar is unknown to Python designers. Nonetheless, it has a conservative and cleaner code and an individual can compose that code effectively as they don't have to write a ton of lines. However, in Python vs NodeJS, Python can help you arrive at a comparative result for some code lines as Node.JS.

    Moreover, since it is anything but another language, it has constructed documentation appropriately. In this way, with regards to Python, you will not run low on information if you are a product designer.


    The estimation of clients' ability for composing code in a particular structure or language is the expectation to absorb information and called the learning curve. It clarifies web application developers’ familiarity with tools and syntax. 

    If you know JavaScript, you can easily become familiar with the Node.JS structure. Because of its simple to learn feature, Node.JS is in the highest position in the list of the most well-known frameworks with a vital score of 49%.  



    At this point, numerous Python frameworks and advancement tools have been developed. You can coordinate Python with a notable code manager Sublime Text that gives some additional grammar expansions and altering features.

    There is the Robot Framework for test computerization. Some solid web development frameworks are additionally there like Pyramid, Web2Py, CherryPy, Web2Py, Flask, or Django.

    Thereby both Python and Node.JS are extensible without any problem.


    You can undoubtedly redo, customize, expand, and integrate any node-based programming language with various tools. You can broaden it by utilizing in-built APIs for building DNS or HTTP workers. You can also coordinate it with Babel that aids frontend development with the program or Node's old versions. is valuable for mistake fixing and task monitoring, and Jasmine is helpful for unit testing. For module packaging, process management, and data migration, you can utilize Webpack, PM2, and Migrat. You can extend it using Node.JS frameworks like Nest, Restify, Koa, Fastify, Express, Meteor, Hapi, etc.

    Checkout the most popular backend frameworks in 2021

    0 20,000 40,000 60,000 Ruby on Rails 47,529 .NET Core 15,491 ExpressJS 51,891 Laravel 63,700 Django 55,384 Meteor 42,280 Koa 30,650 Beego 26,310 Symfony 24,668 Strapi 33,619 Iris 20,038 NestJs 34,381 CodeIgniter 18,148 Spring 42,890 Flask 53,752

    Error Handling


    Here, Python as a backend language has an advantage since it requires some more investment than Node.JS in investigating errors and bugs. Subsequently, error management will not endure if you select either Node.JS or Python for your website improvement. 

    Besides, it will destroy the whole finishing time and make more prospects of getting an elite exclusive in a single attempt. 


    Errors cannot be avoided when you are composing codes. The transparency and feasibility in recognizing blunders are fundamental as far as a programming tool is concerned. Node.JS is proficient in error management. It has a good command in perceiving exemptions that happen at the hour of code application. 

    Data and Memory-Intensive Apps


    Because of the lower speed, Python is anything but an ideal choice for real-time applications. You are not prescribed to utilize Python in memory-intensive applications. 

    In this manner, Node.JS wins on account of building memory and data-intensive applications.


    This is potentially the best framework these days for building run-time data-intensive applications. For example, you can fabricate applications that feature chat functionality. Every NodeJS development company constructs such applications that can manage data streaming, lined data sources, and proxy productively.

    Node.JS as a backend language offers the high speed that makes it an ideal choice for hefty traffic sites like eCommerce stores too. Besides, it is fitting for memory-intensive functionalities like building applications using 3D illustrations.

    Apps it is best suitable for


    Python is reasonable for both small and huge scope ventures, and all the more significantly, it is a basic piece of the Data Science industry where most instruments depend on Python. Aside from that application development, Python is utilized in a few areas, for example:

    • Neural Networks
    • Voice and Facial Recognition
    • Machine Learning
    • Image Processing
    • Data Visualization


    The event-based nature of Node.js makes it an ideal element for applications where simultaneous requests should be taken care of continuously, including regular information transmission from the client to the server. Node.js likewise sees its utilization progressively in real-time solutions, for example: 

    • IoT implementations
    • Collaboration systems
    • Messengers
    • Streaming platforms
    • Chatbots
    • Complicated single-page apps

    Use Cases

    Node & Python are the platforms many skilled web developers are using today to amp up their back-end development while still using the same tried-and-true language – JavaScript and some ramp up their stack with python.

    Javascript: Node, Express Python: Django
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    It's difficult to say that one programming language is better compared to another as both enjoy a few benefits and burdens. What is better for your project will depend on the project-specific necessities and ability of your team. Both Python and Node.JS are utilized for different kinds of projects. Henceforth, if you are choosing between these two, you should take a look at all the benefits and detriments to settle on a choice on which one among Python vs Node is generally suitable for your next project application. 

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