Methods to Increase Code Coverage in Angular

    Thursday, October 3, 20248 min read73 views
    Methods to Increase Code Coverage in Angular

    What is Code Coverage?

    Code coverage is a software testing metric that measures the extent to which your source code is tested by automated tests. It helps quantify the proportion of your code that has been executed during testing, providing insights into the effectiveness of your test suite.

    Importance of Code Coverage

    Importance of Code Coverage

    1. Quality Assurance: High code coverage generally correlates with lower bug rates, as more code is tested for potential issues.

    2. Refactoring Confidence: Developers can refactor code with greater confidence, knowing that existing tests will catch any regressions.

    3. Identify Dead Code: It can reveal parts of the codebase that are never executed, indicating potential dead code or areas that may need attention.

    4. Comprehensive Testing: Ensures a more thorough testing process, covering various scenarios and edge cases.

    How is Code Coverage measured?

    Measure code coverage using the formula:

    Code Coverage Percentage = (Number of lines of code executed)/(Total Number of lines of code in an application) * 100.

    If the test suite executes the entire piece of code, including all the loops, branches, functions, function calls, or conditions, then it can be said that the Code Coverage for that piece of code is 100% which means that a quality product will be delivered to the customer.

    Code Coverage Metrics

    Code coverage is measured using various tools and techniques that analyze the execution of code during testing. Here’s a breakdown of how code coverage is typically measured:

    1. Statement coverage

    Statement coverage is a fundamental metric in code coverage that measures the percentage of executable statements in your code that have been executed during testing. It is one of the simplest forms of code coverage and provides a baseline understanding of how much of your code is being tested.

    Statement Coverage can be calculated by:

    Statement Coverage Percentage = (Number of statements executed)/(Total Number of statements)*100

    2. Decision coverage

    Decision coverage or Branch coverage is a testing metric that measures whether each decision point in a program has been executed. It focuses on evaluating the conditional statements in your code, ensuring that every possible branch resulting from these conditions is tested.

    Decision coverage, a boolean expression refers to a logical statement that can evaluate to either true or false. Decision coverage specifically measures whether each possible outcome of these boolean expressions has been evaluated during testing.

    Decision Coverage can be calculated by:

    Decision Coverage Percentage = (Number of decision/branch outcomes executed)/(Total number of decision outcomes in the source code)*100

    3. Function coverage

    Function coverage is a metric that measures the percentage of functions or methods in your code that have been executed during testing. It ensures that all the necessary functions present in the source code are covered during test execution.

    Function Coverage can be calculated by:

    Function Coverage Percentage = (Number of functions called)/(Total number of functions)*100

    4. Condition coverage

    Condition coverage is a specific type of code coverage metric that measures whether each boolean expression in decision statements has been evaluated to both true and false during testing. It goes a step further than branch coverage by focusing on individual conditions within those branches.

    Condition Coverage can be calculated by:

    Condition Coverage Percentage = (Number of Executed Operands / Total No of Executed Operands)*100

    Example of Code Coverage

    Let's consider a simple Python function that checks if a number is positive, negative, or zero:


    Copy code

    def evaluate_number(num): if num > 0: return "Positive" elif num < 0: return "Negative" else: return "Zero"

    Test Cases

    To assess code coverage, we will write the following test cases:

    1. Test Case 1: evaluate_number(5) → Should return "Positive"

    2. Test Case 2: evaluate_number(-3) → Should return "Negative"

    3. Test Case 3: evaluate_number(0) → Should return "Zero"

    Coverage Analysis

    Total Executable Statements:

    1. if num > 0:

    2. return "Positive"

    3. elif num < 0:

    4. return "Negative"

    5. else:

    6. return "Zero"

    Executed Statements:

    • From Test Case 1: Executes statements 1, 2, and 6.

    • From Test Case 2: Executes statements 1, 3, 4, and 6.

    • From Test Case 3: Executes statements 1, 5, and 6.

    Coverage Calculation

    • Total Executable Statements: 6

    • Executed Statements: All 6 statements are covered across the test cases.

    Statement Coverage Calculation:

    Statement Coverage Percentage = (6 executed statements)/(6 total statements)*100 = 100%

    Ensuring high code coverage is crucial for delivering robust and reliable Angular applications. Code coverage metrics help you gauge how thoroughly your code base is tested, which in turn boosts confidence in your application’s stability and quality. In this blog, we’ll explore various strategies to increase code coverage in Angular, enhancing your test suite and improving your application's reliability.

    How is Code Coverage Obtained and Calculated?

    a. Obtaining Code Coverage

    • Code coverage is typically obtained by using a code coverage tool. These tools run alongside your tests and monitor which parts of the code are executed.

    • The tool then produces a report detailing the coverage. This might include metrics like the percentage of code executed, which lines of code were or were not executed, and the coverage of different branches in conditional statements.

    b. Calculating Code Coverage

    The calculation can vary based on the type of coverage:

    • Statement Coverage: Measures the percentage of executable statements in the source code that have been executed.

    • Branch Coverage: Measures whether each possible branch from each decision point is executed.

    • Function Coverage: Measures the percentage of defined functions that have been called.

    • Condition Coverage: Ensures that each boolean sub-expression has been evaluated both to true and false.

    • Line Coverage: Ensures that all lines in the codebase have been tested.

    • Path Coverage: Measures whether all possible paths through a given piece of code have been executed.

    • Loop coverage: Measures whether loops in the code have been executed zero times, once, and multiple times. This ensures that all possible behaviors of the loop are tested.

    How Do I Increase My Coverage?

    1. Leverage Angular Testing Tools

    Angular provides powerful tools and libraries to help you test your application effectively. Utilize the following:

    a. Jasmine for Unit Testing

    Jasmine is the default testing framework for Angular applications. Use it to write unit tests for your services, components, and other code modules. Focus on writing comprehensive tests that cover various scenarios, including edge cases.

    Jasmine for Unit Testing

    b. Karma for Test Running

    Karma is a test runner that works with Jasmine to execute tests across different browsers. Configure Karma to run tests automatically on code changes, ensuring that new changes don’t break existing functionality.

    Karma for Test Running

    c. Jest Tests in Angular

    Here are some things that you should consider testing in your Angular component’s Jest tests:

    • Inputs: Test that the component correctly receives and processes inputs passed to it.

    • Outputs: Test that the component correctly emits outputs when certain events occur.

    • Methods: Test that the component’s methods work as expected and return the expected results.

    • DOM: Test that the component’s template is correctly rendered and that the component’s behavior is correctly reflected in the DOM.

    • Interaction with Services: Test that the component correctly interacts with any services it depends on.

    • Error handling: Test that the component handles errors correctly.

    • Lifecycle hooks: Test that the component’s lifecycle hooks are being called correctly.

    • State: Test that the component’s state is being correctly managed and updated

    • Style: Test that the component’s styles are being applied correctly.

    It’s also important to test the component’s interactions with other components and modules and how the component handles edge cases and unexpected inputs.

    Jest Tests in Angular

    d. Angular Testing Utilities

    Angular offers testing utilities like TestBed to create and configure test environments. Use TestBed to initialize modules and components, providing a realistic environment for testing.

    2. Write Comprehensive Unit Tests

    Unit tests are the backbone of high code coverage. Here’s how to write effective unit tests:

    a. Test Each Component Individually

    Write tests for each Angular component, including their templates and styles. Ensure you test various states, such as loading, error, and success scenarios.

    b. Mock Dependencies

    Use mocking to isolate the component under test. Libraries like jest or Angular’s HttpClientTestingModule can help you create mock services and APIs, ensuring that tests focus solely on the component’s logic.

    c. Test Edge Cases

    Include edge cases in your tests to ensure that your application handles unexpected or extreme conditions gracefully.

    3. Increase Branch Coverage

    a. Test All Conditional Statements

    Ensure that all branches of conditional statements (e.g., if, switch) are executed. Write tests that cover each possible path.

    b. Use Code Coverage Tools

    Leverage code coverage tools like Istanbul (via nyc) or coverage with Karma to identify untested branches. These tools generate coverage reports that highlight which branches need additional tests.

    4. Integrate End-to-End Testing

    End-to-end (E2E) testing complements unit testing by validating the entire application workflow. Use tools like Protractor (though it's being deprecated in favor of other tools) or Cypress to write E2E tests:

    a. Test User Journeys

    Write tests that simulate user interactions, such as form submissions, navigation, and data retrieval. This ensures that all user flows are covered.

    b. Validate Critical Paths

    Focus E2E tests on critical paths and high-impact features to ensure they work as expected in real-world scenarios.

    5. Use Test Code Coverage Analysis Tools

    Tools like SonarQube and Codecov offer advanced analysis and visualization of code coverage. These tools help you identify areas with low coverage and track improvements over time.

    6. Refactor and Review Regularly

    Regularly refactor your code to improve testability and maintainability. Conduct code reviews to ensure that new code is covered by tests and adheres to best practices.

    a. Refactor for Testability

    Design your code with testing in mind. Separate concerns, use dependency injection, and minimise side effects to make your code more testable.

    b. Conduct Code Reviews

    Incorporate test coverage checks in your code review process. Ensure that new features and bug fixes include appropriate tests.

    7. Automate Testing in CI/CD Pipelines

    Integrate testing into your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to ensure tests are run automatically with every code change. This practice helps maintain high code coverage and catch issues early.

    coverage report

    A coverage report is a detailed document generated by code coverage tools that provides insights into the extent to which the source code of a program has been tested. It helps developers understand which parts of their code are covered by tests and identifies untested areas.

    Key Components of a Coverage Report

    1. Overall Coverage Metrics:

      • Percentage of Coverage: Displays the overall percentage of code that has been executed during testing, typically broken down into different categories (e.g., statement coverage, branch coverage).

    2. Detailed Breakdown:

      • File-Level Coverage: Shows coverage metrics for individual files, including the number of lines, statements, branches, and functions covered.

      • Line Status: Indicates which specific lines of code were executed (covered) and which were not (uncovered). Often visually represented with colors (e.g., green for covered lines, red for uncovered).

    3. Statistics by Type:

      • Statements: Number of executed versus total statements.

      • Branches: Number of executed versus total branches in control structures (if, switch, etc.).

      • Functions: Number of called versus total functions.

      • Conditions: Evaluation of boolean expressions in conditions.

    4. Visualizations:

      • Graphs and Charts: Many coverage reports include visual elements like bar charts or pie charts that summarize coverage metrics at a glance.

    5. Code Annotations:

      • Inline Coverage Indications: Some reports provide code snippets with annotations that highlight which lines were executed and which were not.

    Purpose of a Coverage Report

    • Identifying Gaps: Helps developers identify untested code paths, guiding them on where to add more tests.

    • Improving Test Quality: Provides insights into the effectiveness of the current test suite, allowing teams to refine and improve their testing strategies.

    • Ensuring Quality Standards: Supports continuous integration practices by providing automated feedback on test coverage with every code change.

    Example Tools Generating Coverage Reports

    • JavaScript: Istanbul (nyc), Jest

    • Java: JaCoCo, Cobertura

    • Python:

    • .NET: dotCover, Visual Studio Code Coverage


    In today's fast-paced, technology-driven landscape, both testers and development teams face the challenge of shortening their software development life cycles while delivering high-quality products to customers. To meet these tight deadlines, it is essential for software engineers to focus on writing robust code. Therefore, striving for high-quality code should be a primary goal for every developer and tester.

    Utilizing a code coverage analysis report allows teams to measure the extent of code that performs effectively under various test cases and scenarios. This analysis serves as valuable feedback, guiding developers to create cleaner, more efficient source code. Ultimately, this commitment to code quality leads to enhanced overall product quality, benefiting the software application as a whole.

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