Comparison Between Angular 1 vs Angular 2

    Jul 21, 20175 min read15348 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    Comparison Between Angular 1 vs Angular 2

    Thinking back, we can see there was a huge possibility to develop extremely progressive web applications using JavaScript. But still, it was very tough to maintain the underlying code base and also to test every bit of it. Then AngularJS was introduced as Java Script MVW Framework.  

    The Angular 1 since its evolution in 2009 has been very fast and productive framework. With Angular 1 code creation was superlatively quick and each bit of utilization was effortlessly testable. There are different things that make Angular so useful for developers. The first is two-way data binding. Angular enabled you to see information changed in JavaScript to be thought about consequently the UI. It made things a great deal simpler to create toward the start, on the grounds that no more coding was required with the exception of connecting a legitimate controller to the part of HTML. The second advantage conveyed to software engineers are directives. They are the beginning stage for the greater part of the components we see now in the cutting edge front-end. AngularJS constrained a Dependency Injection, and it helped in deriding conditions. Its appearance in the system made Angular an enormous step forward on account of testing front-end applications.

    This made many companies walk towards AngularJS development for more responsive web application development.

    Few limitations which were seen in Angula1 were majorly covered with the release of another powerful and productive Framework Angular 2. Angular has turned to be a super heroic power in the field of web application development. The entire idea of utilization structure has changed in Angular 2. Already it was the MVC structure that enabled you to make applications in the example of rather firmly coupled elements like views, controllers, services and so on.

    With whom to go: Angular 1 or Angular 2? There is no any officially right answer for this question. Let’s see the difference these two powerful frameworks which assess the Angular developers for more dynamic and spontaneous web and mobile application development.

    Differences between Angular 1 and Angular 2

    1. Angular 1 and Angular 2 gives you language choices as ES5, ES6 and Dart are support by both Angular 1 and Angular 2. Angular 2 gives you the freedom to write in TypeScript whereas Angular 1 does not support TypeScript. Typescript is an additional step in Angular 2 which is a great way of writing JavaScript.

    2. Angular 1 does not require additional libraries to setup. Thus Angular 1 is very easy to setup. Where Angular 2 rely on other libraries to perform the setup.

    3. Angular 1 users the controllers and in Angular 2 Controllers are replaced by the Components. Components and Scopes are eliminated in Angular 2.

    4. Angular 2 is build to support Mobile where Angular 1 does not have through Mobile compatibility.

    5. Angular 1 can bootstrap is two ways that are via code and by using ng-app attribute. But Angular2 can only bootstrap angular via code.

    6. Service can be defined in 5 different ways in Angular 1:

    • Factory
    • Values
    • Provider
    • Constant
    • Service

    In Angular 2, service is used with the help of class. That’s the only way to do it in Angular 2.

    Once you define the service using a class, the class needs to be registered with the main component using the provider.

    7. In Angular 1 built-in directives are written as for example, ng-model, ng-class, etc. Angular 2 built-in directives are written in camelCase syntax. For example, ng-model is written as ngModel and ng-class is written as ngClass.

    8. Angular 2 directly uses the valid HTML DOM element properties and events. This makes the directives present in Angular1 not required to carry out the actions.

    For example, ng-src, ng-href, ng-show and ng-hide directives used in Angular 1 are replaced by src, href and hidden properties achieve the same output result in Angular2.

    9. Angular 2 wraps the HTML events in parenthesis.

    For example

    In Angular 1 syntax is 

     Same  is written in Angular 2 as

    10. One way data binding in angular1 uses syntax as

    Angular 2 uses syntax as


    The properties are wrapped in square brackets.

    In angular 2 the events use the parenthesis () and the square brackets [] are used for the properties.

    Thus, for above example, it is shown that the Angular1 uses ng-bind for one-way data binding. And Angular2 replaces the ng-bind with property written in square brackets. Here property in the brackets is an HTML DOM element property.

    11. Two-way data binding: Angular 1 uses ng-model for two way data binding.

    For example:

    In Angular1 syntax is

    It is replaced in Angular2 as

    12. Angular 2 shows better performance than Angular1 as it implements the component like webstandards.

    13. Dependency Injection

    In Angular1 dependency is passed as controller function arguments.

    In Angular2, dependency is passed as arguments to the component class constructor.

    14. In Angular2 formatting and transformation of data to the templates is done by the pipes. In Angular1 these function is carried out by the filters. The built-in filters in Angular1 have equivalent pipes in Angular2.


     AngularJS and Angular have been a great milestone in the field of responsive mobile and web application development due to its dynamic and responsive nature.AngularJS Development Services are in great demand by the enterprises for the web application development to achieve the business goals as the Angular Development Companies are embracing both the Angular1 and Angular2 features for development.


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