State Management in Angular Using NgRx

    Aug 14, 202412 min read2924 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    State Management in Angular Using NgRx

    State management is a crucial aspect of building complex applications, especially in frameworks like Angular where components often need to share and synchronize data. While Angular provides its own mechanisms for managing state (like services and component interaction), these can become cumbersome as the application grows larger and more complex. This is where libraries like NgRx come into play, offering a robust solution for state management inspired by Redux.

    What is Angular State Management with NgRx?

    NgRx is a state management library for Angular applications that is heavily influenced by Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It implements the Redux pattern of unidirectional data flow and immutable state to manage application state in a consistent and scalable way.

    Why Use NgRx for State Management?

    1. Predictability and Debuggability

      NgRx promotes a single source of truth for your application state, making it easier to debug and understand how data changes over time.

    2. Scalability

      As your application grows, managing state with NgRx scales well due to its centralized state store and structured approach to handling asynchronous actions.

    3. Tooling and DevTools

      NgRx provides powerful developer tools (NgRx DevTools) that allow you to inspect and track state changes in real-time, which aids in debugging and optimizing performance.

    4. Code Organization

      NgRx encourages a structured and disciplined approach to organizing your application logic, separating concerns such as data fetching, state mutations, and UI updates.

    Core Concepts of NgRx store

    NGRX store state management lifecycle
    1. Store

      The central piece of NgRx is the Store, which holds the application state. It's an immutable object that can only be modified by dispatching actions. Components can select slices of state from the store using selectors.

    2. Actions

      Actions are plain objects that represent unique events or intents that describe something that has happened in the application. They are dispatched to the store, which then triggers state changes via reducers.

    3. Reducers

      Reducers are pure functions responsible for taking the current state and an action, and then producing a new state. They are the only place where state mutations are allowed in NgRx, ensuring predictability and traceability of changes.

    4. Selectors

      Selectors are pure functions used for selecting, deriving, and composing pieces of state from the store. They provide a memoized way to access specific parts of the state without recomputing unless the initial state somehow changes.

    5. Effects

      Effects are used for managing side effects such as asynchronous operations and data communication (e.g., HTTP requests). They listen for actions dispatched to the store, perform some logic (like fetching data), and then dispatch new actions with the results.

    Creating Actions, Reducers, States, and Selectors

    Creating actions, reducers, state, and selectors in Angular using NgRx involves several steps to effectively manage application state. Let's walk through each of these components in detail :

    1. Actions

      In NgRx, actions represent events or intents that describe something that has happened in an application. They are used to communicate changes, state transitions and interactions within an Angular application's state management system.

      Define Action Types

      Action types are constants that define the type of action being dispatched. They are typically defined in a separate file to ensure consistency and avoid typos.

      // item.actions.ts
      import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { Item } from './item.model'; // Replace with your model if applicable
      export enum ItemActionTypes {
        LoadItems = '[Item] Load Items',
        LoadItemsSuccess = '[Item] Load Items Success',
        LoadItemsFailure = '[Item] Load Items Failure',
      export const loadItems = createAction(
      export const loadItemsSuccess = createAction(
        props<{ items: Item[] }>()
      export const loadItemsFailure = createAction(
        props<{ error: any }>()

      In this example:

      • loadItems action does not have any payload.

      • loadItemsSuccess action includes an array of items as payload.

      • loadItemsFailure action includes an error object as payload.

      Using Actions

      Actions can be dispatched from components, services, effects, or other parts of your application:

      // item-list.component.ts
      import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
      import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
      import { AppState } from './app.state'; // Replace with your state interface
      import { Item } from './item.model'; // Replace with your model if applicable
      import { loadItems } from './item.actions'; // Import your actions
        selector: 'app-item-list',
        templateUrl: './item-list.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./item-list.component.css']
      export class ItemListComponent implements OnInit {
        items$: Observable<Item[]>;
        constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) { }
        ngOnInit(): void {
          this.items$ = => state.items); // Example selector, adjust as per your state structure
; // Dispatch the loadItems action
    2. Reducers

      Reducers specify how the application's state changes in response to actions dispatched to the store. Each reducer function takes the store service's latest state and an action, and returns the new state:

      // item.reducer.ts
      import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { Item } from './item.model'; // Replace with your model if applicable
      import { loadItemsSuccess, loadItemsFailure } from './item.actions'; // Import your actions
      export interface ItemState {
        items: Item[];
        loading: boolean;
        error: any;
      export const initialState: ItemState = {
        items: [],
        loading: false,
        error: null
      export const itemReducer = createReducer(
        on(loadItemsSuccess, (state, { items }) => ({
          loading: false,
          error: null
        on(loadItemsFailure, (state, { error }) => ({
          loading: false,

    3. State

      The application state is managed as an object in the NgRx' store module.

      It is composed of multiple slices, each managed by a specific reducer.

      State refers to the data and user interface (UI) conditions within an application.Here’s how you define the overall application state:

      // app.state.ts
      import { ItemState } from './item.reducer'; // Import your specific state interfaces
      export interface AppState {
        items: ItemState;

    4. Selectors

      Selectors are pure functions that take the entire application state as an input and return a slice of that state. They are used to encapsulate the logic for retrieving specific pieces of angular application state from the store:

      // item.selectors.ts
      import { createSelector, createFeatureSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { AppState } from './app.state'; // Replace with your state interface
      import { ItemState } from './item.reducer'; // Replace with your specific state interface
      export const selectItemState = createFeatureSelector<AppState, ItemState>('items');
      export const selectItems = createSelector(
        (state: ItemState) => state.items
      export const selectLoading = createSelector(
        (state: ItemState) => state.loading
      export const selectError = createSelector(
        (state: ItemState) => state.error
    5. Registering Modules in AppModule

      Finally, register your reducers and effects (if applicable) in your AppModule to integrate them into NgRx's store:

      // app.module.ts
      import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
      import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
      import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
      import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects';
      import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
      import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
      import { itemReducer } from './item.reducer'; // Import your reducers
      import { ItemEffects } from './item.effects'; // Import your effects if applicable
        declarations: [
        imports: [
          StoreModule.forRoot({ items: itemReducer }), // Register your reducers
          EffectsModule.forRoot([ItemEffects]) // Register your effects if applicable
        providers: [],
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]
      export class AppModule { }

    Getting Started with NgRx

    1. Installation

    To use NgRx in your Angular project, you first need to install the necessary packages:

    ng add @ngrx/store

    This command install NgRx along with essential packages like @ngrx/effects, @ngrx/store-devtools, and @ngrx/entity.

    Or you can also install ngrx with npm with following command :

    npm install @ngrx/store --save

    2. Setting Up the Store

    Define your application state interface, create actions, and create reducers, effects, and selectors based on your application's requirements.

    3. Dispatching Actions

    From your Angular components or services, dispatch actions to trigger state changes:; // Example action dispatch

    4. Selecting State

    Use selectors to retrieve slices of state from the store:

    this.items$ =; // Example selector usage

    5. Handling Effects

    Implement effects to manage side effects such network requests such as HTTP requests or other asynchronous operations:

    loadItems$ = this.actions$.pipe(
      mergeMap(() =>
          map(items => loadItemsSuccess({ items })),
          catchError(error => of(loadItemsFailure({ error })))
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    Pros and Cons of NGRX store

    NgRx Store is an state management library for Angular applications, inspired by Redux from the React ecosystem.

    It provides a single state tree and unidirectional data flow, which can be beneficial for managing complex application states. Here are some pros and cons of using NgRx Store:


    1. Predictable State Management :

      With a single source of truth, the state is more predictable and easier to debug. Each action results in a new state, making the flow of data clear and manageable.

    2. Time-Travel Debugging :

      NgRx Store's support for time-travel debugging allows developers to rewind and replay actions, making it easier to identify and fix bugs.

    3. Decoupled Architecture :

      State management is decoupled from UI components, leading to a more modular and testable codebase. This separation allows for easier maintenance and scalability.

    4. Single Source of Truth :

      All application state is stored in a single object, simplifying state management, especially in large applications with complex interactions.

    5. Middleware Integration :

      NgRx provides powerful middleware options like effects, which allow side effects (e.g., API calls) to be handled in a clean and manageable way.

    6. Community and Ecosystem :

      NgRx is widely adopted in the Angular community, providing a robust ecosystem of tools, extensions, and support.


    1. Learning Curve :

      The concepts of reducers, actions, effects, and selectors can be challenging for developers new to reactive programming or state management libraries like Redux.

    2. Boilerplate Code :

      NgRx requires a significant amount of boilerplate code, which can be overwhelming, especially for small projects or simple state management needs.

    3. Complexity :

      For smaller applications, NgRx might introduce unnecessary complexity. The overhead of setting up and maintaining the store can outweigh the benefits.

    4. Performance Overhead :

      While NgRx is performant, improper use of selectors or excessive state updates can lead to performance issues. It's crucial to use selectors efficiently to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

    5. Steep Integration :

      Integrating NgRx into an existing project can be challenging, requiring significant refactoring and rethinking of the current state management approach.

    6. Opinionated Structure :

      NgRx enforces a specific structure and flow, which may not be suitable for all projects. This rigidity can be a disadvantage if flexibility is required.

    In summary, NgRx Store offers robust state management capabilities ideal for complex applications, but it comes with a learning curve and potential for added complexity. Careful consideration of the project's needs and developer familiarity with the concepts is essential when deciding to use NgRx Store.


    NgRx provides a powerful and scalable way to manage state in Angular applications, offering predictability, scalability, and efficient debugging tools. By embracing the Redux pattern and leveraging its ecosystem, NgRx helps developers build maintainable and performant applications.

    If you're starting a new Angular project or refactoring an existing one to handle complex state management, consider integrating NgRx into your architecture for a more structured and maintainable codebase.

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