Top 12 features of Next.js for Web Developers

    Aug 31, 20219 min read10824 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    Top 12 features of Next.js for Web Developers

    Next.js is a javascript framework that is empowered by React-based web applications functionalities, for instance, creating static sites and server-side rendering. React documentation makes reference to Next.js among "Recommended Toolchains" encouraging it to designers as an answer when "building a server-rendered site with Node.js".

    Next.js stretches out its usefulness to include applications delivered on the server-side where React applications generally render on the client-side. Nextjs has come a long way with new features in version 11. However, in this blog, we are going to focus on the basic features of Nextjs.

    Top features of Next.js for Web Developers

    Built-in CSS

    Next.js permits you to import CSS records from a JavaScript file. This is conceivable in light of the fact that Next.js broadens the idea of importing beyond JavaScript. 

    Next.js naturally utilizes styled-jsx for CSS by default, so all styles between <style jsx></style> labels are separated for specific pages. Along these lines, we don't need to stress overwriting them. Styles are being produced in both client and server side so just after entering a site we see a legitimate design. 

    Obviously, this arrangement has its advantages and disadvantages yet luckily in Next.js, this component is not difficult to set up so styled-jsx isn't necessary. You can utilize CSS-in-JS instead and the essential model is to use inline styles. 

    Image Component and Image Optimization

    Since version 10.0.0, Next.js features an inherent Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization. The Next.js Image Component, is an expansion of the HTML <img> component, advanced for the cutting edge web. 

    The Automatic Image Optimization considers resizing, developing, and serving pictures in current configurations like WebP when the browser upholds it. This tries not to transport huge pictures to gadgets with a smaller viewport. It also permits Next.js to consequently embrace future picture formats and serve them to browsers helping those formats. 

    Automatic Image Optimization works with any picture source. Regardless of whether the picture is facilitated by an outside information source, similar to a CMS, it can in any case be upgraded.

    Static File Serving

    Another feature of Next.js is that it can serve static documents, similar to images, under an envelope called public in the root index. Documents inside open would then be able to be referred to by your code from the base URL (/).

    For instance, if you add a picture to public/me.png, the following code will get to the picture: 

    Import Image from 'next/image'
    function Avatar() {  return <Image src="me.png" alt="me" width="64" height="64" />
    export default Avatar


    Next.js gives a coordinated TypeScript experience out of the box, like an IDE.  You can make a TypeScript project using create next-application utilizing the - ts, - typescript flag like so:

    npx create-next-app --ts# oryarn create next-app --typescript

    Supported Browsers and Features

    Next.js supports IE11 and every cutting edge browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, et al) with no necessary design. The team straightforwardly infuses polyfills needed for IE11 compatibility. These polyfills are supposedly disposed off from the production build to avoid any duplicates.

    Also, to diminish bundle size, Comparing React vs Next.js will just load these polyfills for programs that require them. Most of the web traffic all around the world won't download these polyfills. 


    Next Js current version 11 gives an integrated ESLint experience. All you have to do is add next.js lint as a script to package.json:

    "scripts": {  "lint": "next lint"}

    A configuration process  will be provided to those who don't have ESLint configured in your application already,

    yarn lint
    # You'll see a prompt like this:# How would you like to configure ESLint?#  Base configuration + Core Web Vitals rule-set (recommended)#   Base configuration#   None

    Automatic Code Splitting

    Pages are basic features of NextJS and they are rendered with simply the libraries and JavaScript that they need no more. Rather than creating one single JavaScript record containing all the application code, the application is separated naturally by Next.js in a few distinct assets. Loading a page just loads the JavaScript essentials for that specific page. Next.js does that by dissecting and studying the resources imported. 

    If by some stroke of good luck one of your pages imports the Axios library, for instance, that particular page will include the library for its pack. 

    This guarantees your first page load to be as fast as possible, and only future page loads will send the JavaScript expected to the customer. There is one prominent exemption. As often as possible, utilized imports are moved into the fundamental JavaScript group in case they are used to some extent to half of the site pages.

    Fast Refresh

    Fast Refresh is a Next.js feature that gives you quick feedback on altars made to your React parts. Fast Refresh is empowered of course in all Next.js applications on 9.4 or more current versions. With Next.js Fast Refresh empowered, most edits ought to be noticeable within a second, without losing the component state.

    • When you edit a record that exports React component(s), Fast Refresh will refresh the code just for that document, and yet again render your component . You can alter anything in that record, including styles, delivering logic, event controllers, or impacts.
    • When you alter a record that does not export React components, Fast Refresh will re-run both that document, and different records bringing in it.

    Meta Tags

    If you have picked next.js, it implies that you are concerned about the SEO of the application. Additionally, every individual who needs to manage website streamlining thinks about the fundamental job of metatags. Luckily, there's no issue with characterizing own, independent titles, keywords, and portrayals for each page. The Head component is made to add them and it's accessible directly as a feature of Next.js. You need to import Head from 'next/head' and glue the accompanying code in the render component.

    Everything inside this tag is being moved to the <head> of the site. There is a key trait characterized on each component that forestalls adding the same metatags on numerous occasions and rather overwrites them. 


    Quite possibly the most fundamental feature of NextJs of the two sites and SPA is exploring from one subpage then onto the next. If you code in React, you need to utilize React switch or other comparative arrangements. Next.js will do that work for you as it has this framework worked in. To characterize another switch you just need to make a record in the pages directory. To divert to different pages you simply need to utilize the instant Link component. 

    Lazy loading 

    Lazy loading feature of NextJS causes your application to deliver a better client experience. At times the page may set aside effort to load. The client might abandon your application if the loading requires over 30 seconds. 

    The best approach to keep away from this is to utilize some trick to demonstrate to the client that the page is loading, for instance by showing a spinner. Lazy loading or code splitting is one of the elements that permit you to manage, and control, slow loading so you just load the vital code in your page. 


    The React model permits the Nextjs team to deconstruct a page into a progression of components. A considerable lot of these components are frequently reused between pages. For instance, you may have a similar route bar and footer on each page.

    export async function getServerSideProps(context) {  return {    props: {}, // will be passed to the page component as props  }}

    Data Fetching

    Now let's talk about the three unique Next.js features for data fetching to pre-render.

    Next.js features two types of pre-rendering: Static Generation and Server-side Rendering. The thing that matters is when it creates the HTML for a page.

    Static Generation (Recommended): The HTML is produced at build time and will be reused on each request. 

    Server-side Rendering: The HTML is produced on each request. 

    Critically, Next.js allows you to pick which pre-rendering structure you'd prefer to use for each page. You can make a "hybrid" Next.js application by utilizing Static Generation for most pages and utilizing Server-side Rendering for other people.


    Of late, Next.js has named itself “The React Framework for Production”, and with a particularly intense case comes a pack of provisions that it offers to assist you with taking your React sites from zero to production. These provisions would matter less in case Next.js is relatively difficult to learn, its attempt at simplicity is most certainly something to have in your arsenal. 

    Read More: 10 Top React UI Component Libraries In 2021


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