Top 10 Features of ReactJS for Web Developers

    Feb 2, 201810 min read37506 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    Top 10 Features of ReactJS for Web Developers

    Many technologies were available like Angular, Node, and Meteor when Facebook introduced ReactJS, most developers were required to do a lot of coding. Developers working on other frameworks have the challenge of having to rewrite most of the codes even when crafting components that change frequently. Developers wanted a framework that could easily break down complex components and reuse that code.

    Today, ReactJS has become very popular because of its extra features like simplicity and flexibility. most of people are even pointing it as the future of react development.

    Why Choose Reactjs For Your Next Project?

    ReactJS is a component-based javascript library that is used for building an interactive and dynamic user interface for websites and mobile applications specifically for developing single-page applications where data reflects in real-time. Currently, it is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript libraries in the market. It deals with View in the MVC (Model - View - Controller).

    In React everything is a component the complete homepage is divided into small parts that merge together to complete the view. The main ReactJS Feature is the Virtual-DOM where only one-way data binding is present whereas AngularJS two-way data binding there any changes to the view are also reflected in the data and vice versa but in reactjs Instead of updating the DOM directly React makes two copies of a Virtual DOM, the original and an updated version that reflects changes displayed in from the view. The two copies that are stored are then compared and when any changes occur react update view directly that's why it is preferred for the real-time application.

    List of 10 features of ReactJS that are helpful for web developers

    1. Declarative

    2. Virtual DOM

    3. Event handling

    4. JSX

    5. Performance

    6. React Native

    7. Component-Based

    8. Server-side Rendering

    9. Data Binding

    10. Stability

    10 Notable Features of ReactJS for Web Developers

    1. Declarative

    React creates a very interactive and dynamic user interface for websites and mobile applications. Create simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make your code more readable and easier to debug.

    2. Virtual DOM

    In React, for every DOM object, there is a corresponding "virtual DOM object." A virtual DOM object is a representation of a DOM object, it creates a virtual copy of the original DOM. It's a one-way data binding hence manipulating the virtual DOM is quicker rather than updating the original DOM because nothing gets drawn onscreen.

    3. Event handling

    React creates its own event system which is fully compatible with W3C object model. All browser native events are wrapped by instances of Synthetic Event. It provides a cross-browser interface to a native event. That means you do not need to worry about incompatible event names and fields. Besides, the React event system is implemented through event delegation and also has a pool of event objects to reduce memory overhead.

    4. JSX

    JSX can best be thought of as a markup syntax that very closely resembles HTML. It is more or less like the combination of Javascript + XML. JSX makes writing React components, the building blocks of React UI, easier by making the syntax developers use for generating these strings of HTML almost identical to the HTML they will inject into the web page.JSX is one of the best ReactJS features. Web developers will always go for an easy way out, which is why this is a great choice for many.

    5. Performance

    React uses one-way data binding with an application architecture called Flux controls.ReactJS helps us update the View for the user and, with Flux, can control the application workflow. Introducing virtual DOM adds advantages where it compares the new data with the original DOM and automatically updates the view.

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    6. React Native

    React Native is a custom renderer for React, just like React DOM on The Web. React Native uses native components instead of web components like React as building blocks. To begin with React Native, you need to know the basic React concepts, like JSX, components, state, and props. If you know React, you still need to learn stuff specific to React Native, like the native components. React Native also gives access to the features these platforms offer, apart from transforming React code to work on iOS and Android.

    7. Component-Based

    In React everything is a component the web page is divided into small components to create a view(or UIs). Every part of the application visuals would be wrapped inside a self-contained module known as a component. Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data through your app and keep the state out of the DOM. Components in ReactJS are used to define the visuals and interactions in applications.

    8. Server-side Rendering

    One of the major features of Reactjs was introduced in Facebook as a new language to speed up the page load as well as not to rely upon the delivery of the components. Since the browser is the beneficiary of the page that is fit to be delivered, ReactJS allows the browser to render without waiting for all the JavaScript to be stacked and executed. This ReactJS feature helps the page to stack quicker because ReactJS permits pre-rendering the underlying states of React components only on the server side. The engineering of ReactJS utilizes languages other than HTML, which is JavaScript.

    9. Data Binding

    Another feature of ReactJS is one-way data-binding. The way properties are communicated to a component in ReactJS from a parent is called binding. The ReactJS follows a single direction in sending the information, which gives a strong authority over the information transfer. This also helps in understanding the code in a simple way, than the ordinary 2-way data binding. The React JS component will permit the render to display If the value of any property changes.

    10. Stability

    Reactjs has a stable core for using downward data flow. You can do any progressions in the child structure, the parent structure stays unaffected by the changes. Along these lines, at whatever point you - as a ReactJS designer, need to change any object, you just need to alter the state, make modifications, and proceed with the update. This structure guarantees that the code is steady and conveys a smooth application execution. Because of the reusability feature of ReactJS, it creates incredible Android web applications. The feature of data flow from one point is critical for a ReactJS development company to exercise this framework.

    10 Everyday apps that are made using ReactJS

    1. Dropbox

    Dropbox is a Web-based record-facilitating service operated by Dropbox, Inc. that utilizes cloud computing to empower clients to store and impart folders and files to others across the Internet using document synchronization. It was established in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi as a Y Combinator startup.

    2. Facebook

    Facebook is one of those everyday apps that is built using Reactjs. Their script is blended in the application code and their webpage is built using React. Facebook’s mobile app however is built using React Native and interestingly it was the place to create the React Js library. Facebook has now launched a beta version through React Fiber. 

    3. Pinterest

    Pinterest clients can transfer, save, sort, and manage pictures and recordings - known as pins, through assortments known as pinboards. Pinterest goes about as a customized media stage where clients can peruse the content of others in their feeds.

    4. Whatsapp

    Despite the fact that there were a few betas before it was formally launched, WhatsApp utilizes the latest ReactJS features for building UIs from Facebook, very much like it utilizes Underscore.js and Velocity.js as a portion of its most productive engines. 

    5. Flipboard

    Flipboard is the one-stop online social magazine, where content from informal communities, distributors, online sources, and photograph-sharing destinations can all be accessed in one platform.

    6. New York Times

    One of the new projects of the New York Times was built in React and allows customers to channel the display of various photographs from 19 years. The re-rendering on this venture is just one of the noteworthy highlights we can say thanks to ReactJS development.

    7. Paypal

    PayPal is a worldwide online payment framework that permits cash transfers and is an electronic option in contrast to conventional paper techniques.

    8. Instagram

    The features of ReactJS within Instagram is enormous. Proof for that is the various features including the geolocations, Google Maps APIs, and search engine accuracy that jumps out without hashtags. It is by and large present in the API of the application – and is truly great.

    9. Asana

    Asana is a web and portable application intended for groups to follow their work. Assignments, activities, and discussions are can be effectively handled allowing members to be more proficient.

    10. Reddit

    Reddit is a client-generated content social communication site, where clients can present a connection or post anything like inquiry, and take an interest in the local area through threads.


    ReactJS Development uses new technology that has not been used before in web application development. It is a perfect tool to make a high-performance presentation layer for your application. And it can be even faster if you take advantage of immutable data structures. As ReactJS features like components allow you to develop new features in React without rewriting existing code.

    There are plenty of Flux implementations you can choose from, including the brand-new framework Relay. The Virtual DOM feature which was not present in Angular adds an extra advantage. Having such a great-performing features framework like React.js is the dream of many Web Application Development Companies. So, if you are dealing with real-time data then ReactJS is the best solution.

    Also Check out our Article: 15 Top React Native Features & Updates


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