17 Best React UI Frameworks for 2024

    Wednesday, July 3, 202414 min read9743 views
    17 Best React UI Frameworks for 2024

    What is React Component UI Framework?

    React provides you with a JavaScript component library, to design and build an effective ReactUI. React UI component libraries, which are pre-built and customizable UI that react component libraries themselves, speed up development and improve code reuse.

    The JavaScript library and framework are easily integrated with other JavaScript frameworks and component libraries too. React UI component libraries provide flexibility in your development processes as well as high modularity to provide optimal UI.

    Factors To Consider When Choosing A React Component Library

    While selecting a library, it is pivotal to identify the challenges and limitations of every library and then choose the one that's most suitable for your web application.

    • Project Requirements

      Consider the complexity of your project and the design language you want to achieve. Feature-rich libraries like Ant Design might be considered overbearing for a simple app, while a library focused on Material Design won't be ideal if you need a completely different aesthetic.

    • Development Team Expertise

      Think about your team's experience with the React bootstrap components and potentially other frameworks. If they're already comfortable with Bootstrap, React Bootstrap might be a smooth transition. Some libraries with features like TypeScript might require additional learning.

    • Library Features

      Evaluate the components the library offers. Does it cover everything you need? Some libraries provide advanced features like data visualization tools, but you might not need them for your project.

    • Customizability

      Can you easily change the look and feel of the components to match your brand? Can you create unique UI elements beyond what's provided? Consider the level of customization the library allows.

    Most Popular React UI Framework List:

    1. Material UI

    2. Design

    3. Chakra UI

    4. React Bootstrap

    5. React Admin

    6. PrimeReact

    7. Semantic UI React

    8. Grommet

    9. Mantine

    10. Argon Design System

    11. Blueprint UI

    12. React Virtualized

    13. React Router

    14. Tailwind UI

    15. React Redux

    16. React Suite

    17. Onsen UI

    1. Material UI - GitHub Forks: 31.9K | Stars: 92.5K

    Material UI

    Material UI (MUI), formerly known as Material-UI, is a popular open-source React component framework that implements Google's Material Design. It leads to a design language focused on clean lines, bold colors, and intuitive interactions.

    Features of Material UI

    • Extensive Component Set: Material UI offers a vast collection of pre-built React components like buttons, forms, navigation menus, cards, and more. These components adhere to Material Design principles, ensuring a consistent and modern look and feel throughout the React app.

    • Accessibility Focus: Material UI prioritizes accessibility, ensuring your application can be used by everyone, regardless of abilities.

    • Customization Options: While Material UI offers a pre-defined design language, it allows for extensive customization. You can tailor the appearance of components using themes to match your brand identity and create a unique user experience.

    • Integration with MUI X: Material UI integrates seamlessly with MUI X, a sister component library, offering advanced React components like data grids, date pickers, and charts, further expanding your UI development toolkit.

    • Open-source and Backed by Google: MUI is an open-source project with a large and active community. This translates to ongoing development, regular updates, and a wealth of resources available for learning and support.

    Benefits of Material UI

    • Faster Development Process: The pre-built components significantly accelerate the development by eliminating the need to build UI elements from scratch.

    • Consistent Design: MUI enforces a consistent design language throughout your application, ensuring a professional and user-friendly experience.

    • Improved Accessibility: The focus on accessibility ensures your application is usable by a wider audience.

    2. Ant Design - GitHub Forks: 47.6K | Stars: 91.1K

    Ant Design

    Ant Design is a powerful open-source React UI component framework specifically designed for crafting robust and scalable, React native applications, particularly within enterprise environments.

    Features of Ant Design

    • Extensive Component Library: Ant Design boasts a comprehensive collection of high-quality React components catering to various functionalities needed in complex web apps. This includes UI elements like buttons, forms, intricate data tables, data visualization tools, navigation menus, and more.

    • Enterprise-Ready: The design system prioritizes features and functionalities valuable for building robust and scalable applications used within organizations. This translates to components well-suited for managing complex data, user roles, and access control within your web app.

    • Written in TypeScript: Leveraging TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, Ant Design offers advantages in type safety. This improves code maintainability and the developer experience, especially for larger projects.

    • Theming and Customization: While offering a default design language, Ant Design allows for extensive customization. You can tailor the look and feel of the components using themes and customization options to match your brand identity.

    • Focus on Performance: Ant design prioritizes performance optimization, ensuring your application remains responsive and user-friendly even when dealing with large amounts of data.

    Benefits of Ant Design

    • Speedy Process: The extensive library of pre-built components saves developers time and effort compared to building UI elements from scratch.

    • Enhanced User Experience: Components are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, leading to a positive user experience within your application.

    • Scalability and Maintainability: The library is well-suited for building large-scale applications with features that promote code maintainability in the long run.

    3. Chakra UI - Forks: 3.2K | Stars: 37.1K

    Chakra UI

    Chakra UI is an evolving framework among React UI component frameworks. The main offering of Chakra UI is a collection of pre-built components designed to be accessible, composable, and highly customizable.

    Unique Features of Chakra UI

    • Focus on Accessibility: Like Material UI, Chakra UI prioritizes accessibility, ensuring your application can be used by everyone, regardless of ability. Built-in accessibility features and adherence to best practices make your application inclusive.

    • Composable Components: One of Chakra UI's strengths lies in its modular components. These reusable components are designed to work seamlessly together, allowing you to easily combine smaller pieces to build more complex UIs. This promotes code reusability and simplifies development.

    • Theming and Style Shorthand: While Chakra UI offers a default theme, it shines in its customization capabilities. It provides a unique approach with a powerful theming system and a concise style of shorthand syntax. This allows for efficient customization to fit your brand identity without excessive code.

    Unique Benefits of Chakra UI

    • Rapid Prototyping: The combination of composable components and a streamlined styling system makes Chakra UI ideal for rapid prototyping. You can quickly assemble UI layouts and experiment with different designs.

    • Focus on Developer Experience: Chakra UI prioritizes developer experience with features like built-in responsiveness and a well-structured documentation system, making development efficient and enjoyable.

    4. React Bootstrap - Forks: 3.6K | Stars: 22.3K

    React Bootstrap

    React Bootstrap bridges the gap between two popular web development tools: Bootstrap, a well-established CSS framework, and React, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

    Here's what it offers: React Bootstrap essentially means Bootstrap's extensive component library into reusable React components. This allows developers to leverage the familiarity and functionality of Bootstrap within the flexibility and component-based approach of React.

    Features of React Bootstrap

    • Seamless React Integration: Unlike using vanilla Bootstrap with the React component library, components in React Bootstrap are built specifically for React. This ensures smooth integration of accessible components and avoids potential conflicts that can arise when mixing these libraries.

    • Responsive by Design: Components inherit Bootstrap's responsive nature, automatically adapting their layout for different screen sizes and devices. This leads to an optimal user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

    • Customization Options: While components come pre-styled, React Bootstrap allows for customization through props (properties passed to components). You can adjust styles and modify components to fit your specific design needs.

    • Accessibility Focused: React Bootstrap prioritizes accessibility best practices, ensuring your application can be used by a wider audience, including users with disabilities.

    Benefits of React Bootstrap

    • Reduced Learning Curve: Developers familiar with Bootstrap can easily transition to building React applications using React Bootstrap.

    • Responsive Design Out of the Box: Ensures your application delivers an optimal user experience across various devices without additional effort.

    • Customization and Control: Provides flexibility to customize the look and feel of components while maintaining the core functionality of Bootstrap.

    5. React Admin - Forks: 5.2K | Stars: 24.5K

    React Admin

    React Admin is an open-source React UI framework specifically designed to simplify the process of building admin interfaces (dashboards) using React. It offers a collection of pre-built and customizable components tailored for managing data and user interactions within an administrative context.

    Unique Features of React Admin

    • Focus on Data Management: React Admin prioritizes data management functionalities. It provides components for displaying data in lists and tables, editing records, and handling data filtering, sorting, and pagination.

    • Data Provider Agnostic: Unlike some frameworks that tie you to specific data sources, React Admin is data source agnostic. It offers adapters for various backends like REST APIs, GraphQL, and popular database frameworks, allowing for flexibility in connecting to your data source.

    • Declarative and Composable: Component definitions are declarative, meaning you describe the desired behavior and appearance of complex components. Additionally, components are designed to be composable, allowing you to easily combine them to build more complex admin interfaces.

    • Authentication and Authorization: React Admin offers built-in features for user authentication and authorization. You can configure user roles and permissions to control access to different parts of the admin interface based on user privileges.

    Benefits of React Admin

    • Rapid Development: Pre-built components and focus on data management significantly reduce development time compared to building admin interfaces from scratch.

    • Flexibility and Customization: Data source agnostic approach and composable components provide flexibility to adapt the admin interface to your specific needs and data structure.

    • Reduced Boilerplate Code: The Declarative approach and built-in features like authentication minimize the amount of repetitive code you need to write.

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    6. PrimeReact - Forks: 960 | Stars: 6.2K


    PrimeReact is a comprehensive open-source React UI framework designed specifically for React. It boasts a vast collection of high-quality components that cater to various needs in web application development.

    Features of PrimeReact

    • Theming and Customization: While offering a default theme, PrimeReact allows for extensive customization. You can tailor the appearance of components using themes and various customization options to match your brand identity and create a unique user experience.

    • Advanced Components: In addition to basic UI elements, PrimeReact provides a rich set of advanced components like data grids, tree tables, calendars, and file uploaders, catering to complex functionalities within your application.

    • Mobile Friendly and Responsive: PrimeReact UI components are built to be responsive, automatically adapting their layout for different screen sizes and devices. This ensures your application delivers an optimal user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

    • Integration with Other Libraries: PrimeReact integrates seamlessly with other popular UI libraries like Material-UI and React Bootstrap, allowing you to combine components from different component libraries together to achieve your desired design.

    Benefits of PrimeReact

    • Consistent Design Language: Enforces a unified look and feel throughout your application, ensuring a professional and user-friendly experience.

    • Rich Set of Features: Offers a variety of components, including both basic elements, UI elements, and advanced functionalities, catering to diverse application requirements.

    • Flexibility and Integration: The ability to customize themes and integrate with other libraries provides flexibility in crafting a unique UI for your application.

    7. Semantic UI React - Forks: 4K | Stars: 13.2K

    Semantic UI React

    Semantic UI React is a React UI framework that translates the concepts of Semantic UI, a popular CSS framework, into reusable React components. Semantic UI utilizes natural language for class names, making code more readable and easier to understand.

    Features of Semantic UI React

    • Natural Language Class Names: Inherits Semantic UI's core feature – class names that resemble natural language descriptions of the component's purpose or behavior. This enhances code readability and maintainability for developers.

    • Responsive by Default: Components are built to be responsive, automatically adapting their layout for different screen sizes and devices. This leads to an optimal user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet platforms.

    • Theming and Customization: While offering a default theme, Semantic UI React allows for customization through props (properties passed to components). You can adjust styles and modify components to fit your specific design needs.

    • No jQuery Dependency: Unlike the original Semantic UI framework, Semantic UI React eliminates the need for jQuery, simplifying integration and reducing potential conflicts within your React application.

    Benefits of Semantic UI React

    • Improved Code Readability: Natural language class names make code easier to understand and maintain, especially for developers new to the codebase.

    • Consistent Design Language: Enforces a consistent look and feel throughout your application, ensuring a professional and user-friendly experience.

    • Lightweight and Efficient: No external jQuery dependency translates to a smaller library size and potentially improved performance.

    8. Grommet - Forks: 1K | Stars: 8.3K


    Grommet is a powerful open-source UI component library designed specifically for React applications. It prioritizes accessibility, performance, and a unique design aesthetic, making it a strong choice for building modern and user-friendly web applications.

    Features of Grommet

    • Accessibility Focused: Grommet places a strong emphasis on accessibility, ensuring your application can be used by everyone, regardless of abilities. Built-in accessibility features and adherence to best practices make your application inclusive for users with disabilities.

    • Theming and Customization: While offering a distinct design language, Grommet allows for extensive customization. You can tailor the look and feel of components using themes to match your brand identity and create a unique user experience. Grommet's theming system is considered particularly powerful and flexible.

    • Typed Components: Grommet offers the option to use TypeScript for component definitions. This can improve code maintainability and developer experience, especially for larger projects.

    • Responsive by Default: Components are built to be responsive, automatically adapting their layout for different screen sizes and devices. This leads to an optimal user experience across platforms.


    • Accessible Applications: The focus on accessibility ensures a wider audience can use your application effectively.

    • Highly Customizable Design: Grommet's powerful theming system allows you to create unique and visually appealing UIs that match your brand identity.

    • Smooth User Experience: Performance optimization ensures your application feels responsive and fast, even for complex interactions or data-heavy content.

    • Improved Developer Experience: Optional typed components and a clean API contribute to a smooth development workflow.

    9. Mantine - Forks: 1.8K | Star 25.3K


    Mantine is a React component library that includes more than 100 customizable components and 50 hooks. It offers a collection of pre-built, accessible, and performant components designed to be composable and highly customizable.

    Features of Mantine

    • Focus on Accessibility: Similar to Chakra UI and Material UI, Mantine prioritizes accessibility best practices. Built-in features and adherence to WCAG guidelines ensure your application can be used by everyone, regardless of abilities.

    • Composable Components: Mantine components are designed to be modular and work seamlessly together. You can easily combine smaller components to build more complex UIs react apps. This promotes code reusability and simplifies development.

    • Performance Optimization: Mantine prioritizes performance, keeping your application feeling responsive and user-friendly even with complex layouts or large amounts of data. This is achieved through techniques like lazy loading and code splitting.

    Benefits of Mantine

    • Accessible by Default: Built-in accessibility features ensure your application is inclusive for a wider audience.

    • Clean and Maintainable Code: Composable components and optional type definitions promote code reusability and maintainability.

    • Highly Customizable Design: Mantine allows you to create unique and visually appealing UIs that match your brand identity.

    10. Argon Design System - Forks: 588 | Stars: 680

    Argon Design System

    Argon Design System is a free and open-source collection of pre-built UI components built on top of Bootstrap 4. It offers a variety of components and features designed to streamline the development process for creating modern web applications.

    Features of Argon Design System

    • Bootstrap Integration: Built on top of Bootstrap 4, Argon Design System leverages the familiarity and extensive functionalities of Bootstrap, making it easier for developers already comfortable with Bootstrap to adopt and use it within their React or non-React projects.

    • Multiple Versions: Argon Design System offers versions compatible with various frameworks, including a free open-source version and paid versions with additional features for React, Reactstrap, and React Hooks.

    Benefits of Argon Design System

    • Faster Development: Argon Design System provides a large collection of pre-built components like buttons, forms, navigation menus, cards, and more. This eliminates the need to build these elements from scratch, significantly accelerating the development process.

    • Consistent Design Language: Components adhere to Bootstrap's design language, ensuring a unified and professional look and feel throughout your application.

    • Responsive Design: Bootstrap's core functionality ensures components automatically adapt their layout for different screen sizes, leading to an optimal user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.

    • Customization Options: While offering a pre-defined design system, Argon Design System allows for customization through SASS files. You can adjust styles and modify components to fit your specific brand identity and design needs.

    • Free and Open-Source: Being free and open-source makes Argon Design System an accessible option for developers and projects with budget constraints.

    11. Blueprint UI - Forks: 2.2K | Stars: 20.5K

    Blueprint UI

    Blueprint UI is an open-source React UI component library designed specifically for crafting user interfaces that prioritize functionality, performance, and accessibility. It caters well to the needs of complex web applications, particularly within enterprise environments.

    Features of Blueprint UI

    • Highly Performant: The library is built with performance optimization in mind, ensuring your application remains responsive and user-friendly even when dealing with large datasets or complex interactions.

    • Accessibility Best Practices: Blueprint UI adheres to accessibility best practices, ensuring your application can be used by everyone, regardless of abilities. Built-in features and keyboard navigation support promote inclusivity and build user interfaces.

    • Theming and Customization: While offering a default theme, Blueprint UI allows for customization through props (properties passed to components) and themes. You can adjust styles and tailor components to fit your specific design needs and brand identity.

    • TypeScript Support: Blueprint UI provides type definitions for components, improving code maintainability and developer experience, especially for projects that utilize TypeScript.

    Benefits of Blueprint UI

    • Smooth User Experience: Performance optimization ensures responsiveness and a positive user experience.

    • Accessible by Default: Built-in accessibility features make your application usable for a wider audience.

    • Clean and Maintainable Code: Optional type definitions and a focus on functionality promote code reusability and maintainability.

    • Customization Options: You can tailor the UI to match your brand identity while maintaining the core functionalities of the components.

    12. React Virtualized - Forks: 3.1K | Stars: 26.1K

    React Virtualized

    React Virtualized is a third-party library designed specifically for React to optimize the performance of rendering long lists or large collections of data. It achieves this by employing a virtualization technique with the assistance of data visualization components.

    Features of React Virtualized

    • Virtual Rendering: This core feature allows React Virtualized to render only the visible elements of a list on the screen at any given time. As the user scrolls, the library efficiently renders new items that come into view and removes items that are no longer visible. This significantly reduces the amount of work the browser needs to do, improving performance and responsiveness.

    • Flexibility: React Virtualized offers various components like List, Grid, and InfiniteLoader to handle different scenarios when dealing with large datasets. You can customize these components to fit your specific needs.

    • Integration with Windowing Libraries: React Virtualized works seamlessly with popular windowing libraries like react-window and react-window-infinite-loader, providing additional functionalities for managing large lists within scrolling containers.

    Benefits of React Virtualized

    • Improved Rendering Performance: By rendering only visible elements, React Virtualized significantly improves the performance of applications with large lists, preventing lags and ensuring a smooth user experience.

    • Enhanced Memory Efficiency: Rendering only a small subset of the list at a time reduces memory usage, which is crucial for applications that handle massive datasets.

    • Scalability: React Virtualized allows you to build applications that can efficiently display and manage very large lists without performance degradation.

    • Flexibility and Customization: The library offers various components and works well with other windowing libraries, providing flexibility to adapt to different use cases.

    13. React Router - Forks: 10.2K | Stars: 52.4K

    React Router

    React Router is a powerful collection of libraries designed to simplify navigation and routing within React applications. It enables you to define different views or components for various URLs in your application, allowing users to navigate seamlessly between them using links or the browser's address bar.

    Key Features of React Router

    • Declarative Routing: You define routes using declarative syntax, specifying only the components of URL path and the component that should be rendered for that path. This makes your code more readable and easier to maintain.

    • Nested Routes: React Router supports nested routes, allowing you to create complex UIs with hierarchical structures. For instance, you can define routes for different sections of your application and then have nested routes within those sections for more specific views.

    • Programmatic Navigation: You can use the history object provided by React Router to navigate programmatically within your application. This is useful for situations where you want to trigger navigation based on user interactions or other events within your application.

    • Parameters: Routes can capture dynamic parts of the URL using parameters. This allows you to create flexible routes that can handle different data based on the URL.

    • Query Parameters: You can also handle query parameters, which are key-value pairs appended to the URL after a question mark (?). This is useful for passing additional data to a route without changing the main URL path.

    Benefits of React Router

    • Improved User Experience: React Router provides a smooth and intuitive way for users to navigate your application, enhancing the overall user experience.

    • Organized Code Structure: By separating route definitions from components, React Router promotes a more modular and maintainable codebase.

    • Flexibility and Customization: It offers a wide range of features and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your application.

    14. Tailwind UI - Forks: 4K | Stars: 80.4K

    Tailwind UI

    Tailwind UI is a collection of pre-built, fully responsive HTML snippets that complement Tailwind CSS, a popular utility-first CSS framework. It provides a library of ready-made UI components built using Tailwind CSS classes, allowing you to focus on the application logic and quickly create beautiful user interfaces.

    Features of Tailwind UI

    • Leverages Tailwind CSS: Tailwind UI components are built entirely using Tailwind CSS utility classes. This ensures seamless integration and consistency with your Tailwind CSS styling.

    • Responsive by Design: Inherits the responsive nature of Tailwind CSS, meaning components automatically adapt their layout for different screen sizes and devices. This leads to an optimal user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablet platforms.

    • Easy Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with Tailwind CSS, integrating Tailwind UI into your existing project is straightforward. Simply include the necessary CSS files and start using the pre-built components in your HTML code.

    Benefits of Tailwind UI

    • Reduced Boilerplate Code: Tailwind UI minimizes writing code repetitively in HTML and CSS, streamlining the development process.

    • Consistent Design Language: Enforces a unified look and feel throughout your application by leveraging Tailwind CSS classes.

    15. React Redux - Forks 1.7K | Stars: 5K

    React Redux

    React Redux is a powerful library that acts as a bridge between React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Redux, a predictable state management container. It allows you to manage React application state in a centralized location while ensuring that state updates are handled predictable and maintainable within your React components.

    Core Features of React Redux

    • Centralized State Management: React Redux establishes a single source of truth for your application's state within a Redux store. This simplifies state access and updates, promoting consistency and easier reasoning about state changes.

    • Predictable State Updates: Redux enforces a unidirectional data flow. State updates are triggered by actions, which are plain JavaScript elements or objects describing the intended change. This predictable pattern makes debugging state-related issues much easier.

    • Component Connectivity: React Redux provides the connect function, which connects your React components to the Redux store. Components can access the current state from the store and dispatch actions to trigger state updates.

    • Declarative State Access: Components declare which parts of the state they need through the connect function. This improves code readability and maintainability by explicitly stating state dependencies.

    • Middleware Support: Redux allows you to use middleware, which are functions that can intercept actions and perform additional logic before or after they reach the reducer (the function responsible for updating state based on actions). This enables powerful features like asynchronous data fetching and logging.

    Benefits of React Redux

    • Improved Scalability and Maintainability: Managing state in a centralized location reduces the complexity of state management as your application grows. Redux's predictable patterns also make it easier to reason about state changes and debug issues.

    • Reusable State Logic: By storing state logic in reducers (pure functions that update state based on actions), you can easily reuse it across different parts of your application. This promotes code reuse and reduces redundancy.

    • Simplified Testing: Redux's unidirectional data flow and dependency injection practices make it easier to write unit tests for your components and reducers, leading to higher code quality and confidence.

    16. React Suite - Forks: 928 | Stars: 8.2K

    React Suite

    React Suite is a collection of pre-built, responsive, and customizable React UI components designed to streamline development and create visually appealing user interfaces. It offers a wide range of components encompassing essential UI elements like buttons, forms, navigation menus, data tables, and more.

    Key Features of React Suite

    • Customizable Themes: While offering a default theme, React Suite allows you to create custom themes using either LESS or CSS variables. This flexibility enables you to tailor the visual appearance of components to match your brand identity and design preferences.

    • Accessibility Focused: The library prioritizes accessibility best practices. Built-in features and adherence to accessibility guidelines ensure your application can be used by everyone, regardless of abilities.

    • Optional TypeScript Support: React Suite offers optional type definitions for components, improving code maintainability and developer experience, especially for projects that utilize TypeScript.

    • Composition: The library emphasizes component composition, allowing you to combine and nest smaller components to build complex UIs. This approach promotes code reusability and modularity.

    Benefits of React Suite

    • Consistent Design Language: Components adhere to a consistent design language, promoting a unified and professional look and feel throughout your application.

    • Improved Accessibility: Built-in accessibility features enhance the inclusivity of your application and make it usable for a wider audience.

    • Clean and Maintainable Code: The focus on component composition and optional type definitions promotes code reusability and easier maintenance.

    17. Onsen UI - Forks: 1K | Stars: 8.8K

    Onsen UI

    Onsen UI is a free and open-source UI framework one of the best React UI designed specifically for crafting hybrid and mobile web applications. It offers a comprehensive set of pre-built UI components that mimic the look and feel of native iOS and Android apps, allowing you to create visually appealing and user-friendly experiences without needing to write native code.

    Features of Onsen UI

    • Native-Like Components: Onsen UI provides a rich collection of components that resemble native iOS and Android UI elements. This includes buttons, forms, navigation menus, sliders, progress bars, and more. These components offer a familiar experience for users accustomed to native mobile apps.

    • HTML5 Foundation: Built on top of web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, Onsen UI allows you to leverage these familiar languages to build your application. This can be advantageous for developers comfortable with web development but not necessarily experienced with native mobile app development.

    • Hybrid App Development: Onsen UI integrates seamlessly with frameworks like Cordova or PhoneGap, enabling you to package your web application as a native app for deployment on various mobile platforms. This allows you to reach a wider audience without needing to develop separate native apps for each platform.

    Benefits of Onsen UI

    • Quicker Development: Pre-built components and a familiar development environment using HTML5 technologies can significantly accelerate the development process compared to building native apps from scratch.

    • Cross-Platform Compatibility: By leveraging hybrid app development, you can target multiple platforms (iOS, Android) with a single codebase, reducing development effort.

    • Open-Source and Free to Use: Being open-source and free to use makes Onsen UI an attractive option for developers and projects with budget constraints.

    How does React's virtual DOM benefit developers?

    React’s virtual DOM improves performance by minimizing direct manipulations of the actual DOM. React component libraries further enhance performance by providing pre-built and customizable UI elements that streamline development and optimize code reuse. When a component’s state changes, the React component library creates a virtual DOM, a lightweight copy of the real DOM.

    It then calculates the differences between the virtual DOM and the real DOM and efficiently updates only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed. This process, known as reconciliation, reduces the number of costly DOM operations, leading to faster and more efficient updates, and enhancing overall application performance.

    What makes React different from other popular JavaScript libraries such as Angular and Vue.js?

    React, Angular, and Vue.js are leading JavaScript libraries/frameworks for UI development, each with unique approaches. React focuses on a component-based architecture and uses a virtual DOM to optimize performance by efficiently updating the real DOM.

    Additionally, using a React UI component library can significantly speed up development by providing pre-designed components like tables, charts, modals, navigation bars, cards, buttons, and maps, which enhance consistency, productivity, and customization.

    Angular, a full-featured framework, includes built-in solutions for templating, dependency injection, and routing, suitable for complex applications but with a steeper learning curve.

    Vue.js combines simplicity with features similar to React, offering a progressive framework that’s easy to pick up and scales well.

    The choice between them typically hinges on project complexity, performance needs, and developer preferences in terms of ecosystem and learning curve.

    In a Nutshell

    In 2024, there are many React UI frameworks to choose from, each designed for different needs. Whether you care about speed, flexibility in design, or having lots of tools, these top 17 React UI frameworks can help you build feature-rich web interfaces.

    Make the right choice for your project's requirements and development preferences to streamline UI development and improve the overall quality of your application with high-quality UI components. If you have questions or have a project in mind, we can help you transform it into an ROI-generating web application.

    Read more: React Conferences to Attend in 2024 & 2025


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