An In-Detail Introduction to React Portals

    Friday, September 20, 20249 min read300 views
    An In-Detail Introduction to React Portals

    React Portals: A First-Class Way to Render Outside the Parent DOM Hierarchy

    In modern React applications, React Portals provide a powerful way to render child components outside the normal React component hierarchy. By leveraging Portals, developers can create dynamic UI components that are not constrained by their parent component hierarchy.

    But what exactly are React Portals, and why are they so useful? Let’s dive into the DOM tree and explore how React Portals help in rendering components in scenarios where the regular React component hierarchy falls short.

    There are times in React projects when rendering components inside their parent DOM element isn’t ideal. For instance, modal dialogs, dropdown menus, or popup messages often require rendering outside of the parent container to avoid breaking the component tree hierarchy. This is where React Portals come into play.

    Using the createPortal function, developers can inject React elements into a specific DOM element outside the normal DOM hierarchy defined by the parent component. This makes Portals particularly beneficial for scenarios where the DOM structure needs to be more flexible, such as rendering a div with className modal outside the parent DOM hierarchy to maintain the correct z-index, or managing event propagation's default behavior in a modal component.

    Imagine you’re building a React application and need to implement a modal dialog that appears on top of all other UI components. In a normal React component hierarchy, the modal content would be restricted by the parent component’s z-index and position, potentially leading to UI glitches. This is a common problem, but React Portals offer a solution.

    What are React Portals?

    React Portals provide a way to render child components into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. This allows you to render components in a different part of the DOM tree while maintaining the React component hierarchy.

    According to the official React documentation, "Portals provide a first-class way to render children of components into a DOM a node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component."

    Example: Here's a basic example of how React Portals can be used to render a modal dialog outside of the parent DOM hierarchy:

    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    const Modal = ({ children }) => {
      return ReactDOM.createPortal(
        <div className="modal">
        document.getElementById('modal-root') // Target DOM element outside the parent hierarchy
    export default function App() {
      return (
        <div className="app">
          <h1>React Portal Example</h1>
            <div className="modal-content">
              This is a modal dialog rendered using React Portal!

    In this example, the Modal component is rendered outside of the normal React component tree parent container hierarchy. The modal's content appears in a div with the class name "modal" that resides in the modal-root DOM element, which is outside the parent DOM hierarchy where the rest of the app is rendered.

    Why Use React Portals?

    Let's discuss the benefits of using React portals:

    • Separation of Concerns

      React Portals enable rendering UI components, like modals, outside their parent DOM structure while maintaining logical connections in the React component tree. This approach leads to cleaner code, better organization, and easier maintenance in complex projects.

    • Avoiding CSS Issues

      Portals help avoid common CSS problems, such as z-index conflicts and overflow issues. By rendering components outside their parent DOM element, they prevent unwanted styling conflicts, ensuring UI elements like modals remain visible and properly layered.

    • Accessibility

      React Portals improve accessibility by positioning elements like modals at the top level of the DOM, making them more accessible to assistive technologies. This enhances keyboard navigation and overall usability, creating a more inclusive web application.

    Advanced Use Cases of React Portals


    React Portals provide a first-class way to render components like modals outside the normal React component hierarchy, making them immune to styles or overflow issues from parent components.

    When you use the createPortal function to render a modal, it attaches the modal content to a DOM node outside the parent component’s DOM hierarchy, typically to a root div element in your HTML file.

    This ensures that the modal dialog is rendered on top of other elements, regardless of where the triggering element resides in the React tree. By using React Portals, the modal can be styled independently, avoiding any interference from the parent container's styles.


    Tooltips often need to escape the bounding box of their parent element, which can be challenging within the regular React component tree hierarchy. React Portals can render tooltips outside the normal DOM hierarchy defined by the parent components.

    This allows the tooltip to be positioned freely and avoid clipping or overflow issues. The portal component places the tooltip at a specific DOM element that isn't bound by the dimensions or scroll properties of the parent DOM element, providing more flexibility in creating dynamic and responsive UI components.


    Dropdown menus can face similar challenges as tooltips, where they might get clipped or constrained by the parent container’s boundaries. React Portals provide a solution by enabling you to render dropdowns outside the normal component tree hierarchy, directly into a target DOM element like the root div element.

    This approach ensures that the dropdown menu remains visible and functional, even if the parent component has overflow or positioning constraints. By rendering the dropdown outside the parent DOM hierarchy, you also avoid unnecessary re-renders or layout shifts in the parent components, leading to smoother UI interactions.

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    Best Practices for Using React Portals

    Keep DOM Organized

    When using React Portals, it's important to keep the target DOM nodes well-organized within the DOM hierarchy. For example, when rendering modal dialogs, ensure that the div with the class name modal is placed in a logical part of the DOM structure. By maintaining an organized parent DOM hierarchy, you make the React component tree easier to manage and the overall application more maintainable.

    Clean Up

    React Portals enable rendering components outside of the regular React component hierarchy. However, it's crucial to clean up portal components when the parent component unmounts.

    Failing to remove the portal content from the DOM tree can lead to memory leaks in your React applications. Always ensure that the portal's target DOM element is removed properly when the parent component is unmounted.


    Accessibility is a key consideration when using React Portals to render UI components like modal dialogs or dropdown menus. Since portals allow elements to be rendered outside the normal DOM hierarchy, you must manage focus and keyboard navigation carefully.

    Ensure that the triggering element and portal content are accessible by using appropriate ARIA attributes and handling event propagation's default behavior correctly. This will help in maintaining a consistent and accessible experience across the entire React DOM.

    Common pitfalls with React Portals and how to avoid them:

    Focus Management

    Portals can render elements outside the normal React hierarchy, which can complicate focus management. Use useEffect to set focus to the portal’s first focusable element on open and return focus to the triggering element on close.

    Event Bubbling

    Portals can cause unexpected event propagation due to their position in the DOM. Use event.stopPropagation() in portal components to control event behavior and prevent unintended side effects.

    CSS Challenges

    Styling portals can be tricky since they’re outside the parent DOM hierarchy. Apply specific styles directly to portal components or use CSS modules/styled-components. Ensure the portal’s z-index is higher to avoid content being hidden behind other elements.


    React Portals offer a powerful and elegant solution for rendering components outside the traditional parent-child component hierarchy.

    By leveraging Portals, developers can create dynamic UI elements such as modals, tooltips, and dropdowns that are free from the constraints of their parent components. This flexibility not only simplifies the management of z-index and CSS conflicts but also enhances accessibility and usability across your application.

    Using React Portals effectively requires a mindful approach to DOM organization, focus management, and event handling. By adhering to best practices and being aware of common pitfalls, you can ensure that your application remains clean, maintainable, and accessible.

    React Portals empower you to build more robust and responsive user interfaces, making them an indispensable tool in modern React development.


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