CSS-in-JS Performance Optimization Methods for React Applications

    May 9, 202410 min read2462 viewsUpdated:Nov 27, 2024
    CSS-in-JS Performance Optimization Methods for React Applications

    In the era of modern web development, the adoption of CSS-in-JS libraries has surged, primarily owing to their ability to provide scoped styling, dynamic styles, and an enhanced developer experience. While these libraries offer significant advantages, they can also introduce performance overhead if not used judiciously. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, delving into various techniques aimed at optimizing the performance of CSS-in-JS in React applications.

    Understanding the Need for CSS-in-JS Performance Optimization

    CSS-in-JS libraries, such as styled React Components, Emotion, and JSS, have revolutionized the way developers approach styling in React applications. By enabling developers to write CSS directly within JavaScript files, CSS-in-JS facilitates improved component encapsulation, easier styling of dynamic components, and enhanced code maintainability. However, despite its many benefits, CSS-in-JS can introduce performance bottlenecks, including increased bundle size, runtime style calculation, and style recalculation. These performance issues can adversely impact the loading times and rendering performance of React applications, thus necessitating optimization efforts.

    Optimization Techniques for CSS-in-JS in React Applications

    1. Minimize Inline Styles

    Inline styles, generated by CSS-in-JS libraries, are styles applied directly to individual elements within a React component. While convenient, excessive use of inline styles can lead to increased bundle sizes and slower rendering times.

    Minimizing inline styles involves rendering process, reducing their usage and favoring more efficient styling techniques, such re rendering as external CSS files or CSS modules for global styles.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a React component using a CSS-in-JS library like Styled Components to apply styles. Below is an example of a component with an inline

    import React from 'react';
    import styled from 'styled-components';
    const StyledButton = styled.button`
      background-color: ${props => props.primary ? 'blue' : 'white'};
      color: ${props => props.primary ? 'white' : 'black'};
      padding: 10px 20px;
      border: none;
      border-radius: 5px;
    const MyComponent = () => {
      return (
          <StyledButton primary>Primary Button</StyledButton>
          <StyledButton>Secondary Button</StyledButton>
    export default MyComponent;

    In this example, the StyledButton component applies styles directly to child component using the styled function from Styled Components. While convenient, this approach generates inline styles for each instance of the StyledButton component.

    Minimization Technique

    To minimize inline styles, we can refactor the code to utilize a combination of global styles and component-specific styles.

    1. Global Styles: Define global styles in external CSS files or CSS modules. These styles can be applied globally across the application, reducing the need for inline styles.

    /* globalStyles.css */
    .button {
      padding: 10px 20px;
      border: none;
      border-radius: 5px;
    .primary {
      background-color: blue;
      color: white;
    1. Component-specific Styles: Utilize CSS-in-JS for component-specific or dynamic styles only. This approach maintains the benefits of CSS-in-JS for scoped styling while minimizing inline styles.

    import React from 'react';
    import styled from 'styled-components';
    const StyledButton = styled.button`
      /* Use global styles */
      composes: button from './globalStyles.css';
      /* Override styles for primary button */
      &.primary {
        composes: primary from './globalStyles.css';
    const MyComponent = () => {
      return (
          <StyledButton className="primary">Primary Button</StyledButton>
          <StyledButton>Secondary Button</StyledButton>
    export default MyComponent;

    Benefits of Minimization

    • Reduced Bundle Size: By minimizing inline styles and leveraging global styles, the size of the JavaScript bundle is reduced. This leads to faster loading times and improved application performance.

    • Improved Maintenance: Separating global styles from component-specific styles enhances code maintainability and facilitates easier updates and modifications to styling.

    • Consistent Styling: Utilizing global styles ensures consistency in styling across the application, promoting a cohesive user experience.

    2. Static Extraction

    Static extraction involves identifying styles class components that do not change during runtime and extracting them during the build process. These static styles are then included directly in the generated CSS file or CSS-in-JS output, eliminating the need for style computation at runtime.

    By precomputing static styles, static extraction reduces the size of JavaScript bundles and improves loading times, leading to better performance in React applications.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a React application that utilizes Styled Components for styling. Below is an example component that defines styled buttons using Styled Components:

    import React from 'react';
    import styled from 'styled-components';
    const PrimaryButton = styled.button`
      background-color: blue;
      color: white;
      padding: 10px 20px;
      border: none;
      border-radius: 5px;
    const SecondaryButton = styled.button`
      background-color: white;
      color: black;
      padding: 10px 20px;
      border: 2px solid blue;
      border-radius: 5px;
    const MyComponent = () => {
      return (
          <PrimaryButton>Primary Button</PrimaryButton>
          <SecondaryButton>Secondary Button</SecondaryButton>
    export default MyComponent;

    In this example, the PrimaryButton and SecondaryButton components are defined using Styled Components, with styles specified using template literals.

    Static Extraction Technique

    To apply static extraction, we modify the build configuration to extract static styles during the build process. CSS-in-JS libraries like Styled Components provide tools or plugins to facilitate static extraction.

    For example, Styled Components offers the babel-plugin-styled-components plugin, which supports static extraction. By configuring this plugin in the project's Babel configuration, static styles of app component can be extracted during compilation.

    Example with Static Extraction

    // babel.config.js
    module.exports = {
      presets: ['@babel/preset-env', '@babel/preset-react'],
      plugins: [
            ssr: true, // Enable server-side rendering support
            displayName: true, // Enable display names for easier debugging
            preprocess: false, // Disable preprocessing of styled components
            pure: true, // Enable static extraction

    With static extraction enabled, the Styled Components plugin extracts static styles during compilation, reducing the size of JavaScript bundles and improving loading times.

    Benefits of Static Extraction

    • Reduced Bundle Size: Static extraction eliminates the need for runtime-style computation, resulting in smaller JavaScript bundles.

    • Improved Loading Times: Precomputing static styles during the build process improves loading times, leading to faster rendering of React applications.

    • Enhanced Performance: By minimizing the amount of work required at runtime, static extraction enhances the performance of React applications, particularly in scenarios involving complex styling logic or numerous styled-components.

    3. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

    Server-side rendering (SSR) is a technique used in web development to generate HTML pages on the server and send them to the client's browser. Unlike client-side rendering, where a blank HTML file is initially loaded and content is rendered using JavaScript, SSR delivers fully rendered HTML pages directly from the server. Let's explore SSR in detail with examples.

    Understanding Server-Side Rendering

    In SSR, when a user requests a webpage, the server processes the request, executes any necessary logic (such as fetching data from a database or performing computations), and generates the HTML markup for the requested page. This HTML markup, along with any associated CSS and JavaScript, is then sent to the client's browser, where it is displayed to the user.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a simple React application that displays a list of blog posts. Here's how SSR can be implemented:

    1. Client-Side Rendering (CSR): Initially, the React application is set up for client-side rendering. When a user visits the website, the browser loads a minimal HTML file containing the application's JavaScript bundle. The JavaScript then executes in the browser, fetches the blog post data from an API, and renders the content dynamically on the client side.

    2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): To implement SSR, the React application is modified to render the blog posts on the server before sending the HTML to the client. When a user requests the webpage, the server fetches the blog post data, generates the HTML markup for the blog posts, and sends the fully rendered HTML to the client's browser. The browser then displays the pre-rendered content immediately, improving the initial page load time and providing better-perceived performance.

    Benefits of Server-Side Rendering

    1. Improved Performance: SSR reduces the time-to-first-byte (TTFB) and initial page load time since the server delivers fully rendered HTML to the client.

    2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines can crawl and index server-rendered pages more effectively, leading to better search engine rankings and increased visibility for the website's content.

    3. Enhanced Accessibility: SSR ensures that content is accessible to users with JavaScript-disabled browsers or assistive technologies, as the HTML is generated on the server.

    4. Better Social Sharing: Pre-rendered HTML facilitates better social sharing experiences, as social media platforms can parse and display the content accurately, leading to visually appealing previews when users share links.

      Let's explore how to implement Server-Side Rendering (SSR) using Node.js and React. We'll create a simple web application that renders a list of blog posts on the server and sends the pre-rendered HTML to the client's browser.


      Before proceeding, ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.

      Step 1: Setup Node.js Server

      Create a new directory for your project and initialize a Node.js project:

      mkdir ssr-example
      cd ssr-example
      npm init -y

      Install necessary dependencies:

      npm install express react react-dom

      Create a file named server.js:

      // server.js
      const express = require('express');
      const React = require('react');
      const ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
      const App = require('./App');
      const app = express();
      app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        // Render React component to HTML
        const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(React.createElement(App));
        // Send pre-rendered HTML to client
          <!DOCTYPE html>
          <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
            <title>Server-Side Rendering Example</title>
            <div id="app">${html}</div>
      const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
      app.listen(PORT, () => {
        console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);

      Step 2: Create a React Component

      Create a file named App.js in the project directory:

      // App.js
      const React = require('react');
      const App = () => {
        const posts = ['Post 1', 'Post 2', 'Post 3']; // Dummy data
        return (
            <h1>Blog Posts</h1>
              {posts.map((post, index) => (
                <li key={index}>{post}</li>
      module.exports = App;

      Step 3: Start the Server

      Run the server:

      node server.js

      Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the server-rendered page with the list of blog posts.

    4. Memoization

    Memoization is an optimization technique used in computer science to speed up the execution of expensive functions by caching the results of previous function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again. This can significantly improve performance by avoiding redundant computations. Let's explore memoization in more detail with examples.

    Understanding Memoization

    In memoization, the results of expensive function calls are stored in a cache (typically a hash table or a map) based on the function inputs. When the function is called with the same input inputs again, instead of recomputing the result, the function checks the cache for a previously computed value. If the value exists in the cache, it is returned directly, saving computational time.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence recursively:

    function fibonacci(n) {
      if (n <= 1) return n;
      return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

    function fibonacci(n) { if (n <= 1) return n; return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); }

    This function is computationally expensive, especially for large values of n, because it recalculates the Fibonacci sequence for each recursive call.

    Implementing Memoization in JavaScript

    We can improve the performance of the Fibonacci function using memoization:

    function fibonacciMemoized() {
      let cache = {};
      return function fib(n) {
        if (n in cache) {
          return cache[n];
        } else {
          if (n <= 1) return n;
          cache[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
          return cache[n];
    const fibonacci = fibonacciMemoized();

    In this implementation

    • We create a higher-order function fibonacciMemoized that initializes a cache object.

    • Inside fibonacciMemoized, we define the fib function that recursively calculates Fibonacci numbers.

    • Before calculating Fibonacci numbers, fib checks if the result for the given input n exists in the cache. If it does, it returns the cached result.

    • If the result is not in the cache, the function calculates it recursively, stores it in the cache, and returns it.

    Benefits of Memoization

    1. Improved Performance: Memoization can significantly reduce the time complexity of functions by avoiding redundant computations.

    2. Scalability: For functions with expensive computations or large input spaces, memoization can make the function more scalable and efficient.

    3. Simplicity: Implementing memoization is relatively straightforward and can be applied to a wide range of functions with repetitive computations.

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    5. Dynamic Import

    In traditional JavaScript module loading, modules are imported statically using import statements. For example:

    import { someFunction } from './module.js';

    With dynamic import, modules are imported using the import() function, which returns a Promise. The module is loaded asynchronously, and the Promise resolves to the module's exports. Here's how dynamic import is used:

    import('./module.js').then(module => {
      const { someFunction } = module;
      // Use someFunction

    Example Scenario

    Consider a web application where different features are implemented as separate modules. Instead of loading all modules upfront, we want to load each module only when the corresponding feature is requested by the user. We can achieve this using dynamic import.

    Implementing Dynamic Import in JavaScript

    Let's create a simple example where in class app we have two modules, featureA.js and featureB.js, each implementing a different feature. We'll dynamically load these modules based on user interactions with react app.


    // featureA.js
    export function featureA() {
      console.log('Feature A activated');


    // featureB.js
    export function featureB() {
      console.log('Feature B activated');

    Usage in Main JavaScript File

    // main.js
    document.getElementById('btn-featureA').addEventListener('click', () => {
      import('./featureA.js').then(module => {
        const { featureA } = module;
    document.getElementById('btn-featureB').addEventListener('click', () => {
      import('./featureB.js').then(module => {
        const { featureB } = module;

    In this example

    • When the user clicks the button for Feature A (btn-featureA), featureA.js is dynamically imported using import(), and the featureA() function is executed.

    • Similarly, when the user clicks the button for Feature B (btn-featureB), featureB.js is dynamically imported, and the featureB() function is executed.

    Benefits of Dynamic Import

    1. Improved Performance: Modules are loaded asynchronously at runtime, reducing initial script loading time and improving page load performance.

    2. Lazy Loading: Modules are loaded only when needed, allowing for more efficient use of network resources and reducing the initial download size of the application.

    3. Dynamic Behavior: Dynamic import enables dynamic behavior in applications, where modules can be loaded based on user interactions, conditions, or other runtime factors.

    6. Critical CSS

    Critical CSS is a technique used in web development to improve the perceived performance and load time of web pages by prioritizing the rendering of above-the-fold content. It involves identifying the CSS rules that are necessary to render the visible portion of a web page (the "above-the-fold" content) and including only those rules inline in the HTML document. Let's explore critical CSS in more detail with an example.

    Understanding Critical CSS

    When a browser loads a web page, it parses HTML and CSS files to render the content. Critical CSS focuses on optimizing performance for the rendering of the initial viewport, which includes elements visible without scrolling (above-the-fold content). By inlining critical CSS directly into the HTML document, the browser can render the above-the-fold content faster, improving the perceived performance of the page.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a simple web page with a header, navigation bar, hero section, and other content. The critical CSS for this page would include the styles necessary to render the header, navigation bar, and hero section, while non-critical CSS rules for other content (e.g., footer, sidebar) would be loaded asynchronously or deferred.

    Implementing Critical CSS

    Let's create an example HTML file and identify the critical CSS for the above-the-fold content:

    Example HTML File (index.html)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <title>Example Page</title>
        /* Critical CSS for above-the-fold content */
        body {
          font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
        header {
          background-color: #333;
          color: #fff;
          padding: 10px 0;
          text-align: center;
        nav {
          background-color: #666;
          color: #fff;
          padding: 10px 0;
          text-align: center;
        .hero {
          background-image: url('hero.jpg');
          background-size: cover;
          color: #fff;
          text-align: center;
          padding: 100px 0;
          <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Services</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
      <div class="hero">
        <h2>Welcome to Our Website</h2>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
        <a href="#" class="btn">Learn More</a>
      <!-- Other content goes here -->

    In this example:

    • Critical CSS rules for the above-the-fold content (header, navigation, hero section) are included inline within the <style> tag in the <head> of the HTML document.

    • Non-critical CSS rules for other content (footer, sidebar, etc.) are omitted from the critical CSS and loaded asynchronously or deferred using techniques like asynchronous loading, code splitting, or deferred loading.

    Benefits of Critical CSS

    1. Faster Rendering: By prioritizing the rendering of above-the-fold content, critical CSS reduces the time to render the initial viewport, improving perceived performance and user experience.

    2. Improved Page Load Time: Loading critical CSS inline eliminates additional HTTP requests for external stylesheets, reducing latency and speeding up page load times.

    3. Optimized for Mobile Devices: Critical CSS ensures that mobile users, who may have slower network connections, can quickly see the essential content without waiting for additional CSS files to load.

    7. CSS Tree Shaking

    CSS Tree Shaking is a concept borrowed from JavaScript's tree shaking, which refers to the process of eliminating dead code or unused code from the final bundle. In the context of CSS, tree shaking involves removing unused CSS rules from style sheets to reduce the overall file size and optimize loading performance. Let's explore CSS tree shaking in more detail with examples.

    Understanding CSS Tree Shaking

    CSS tree shaking aims to identify and remove CSS rules that are not applied to any elements in the HTML document. This can significantly reduce the size of CSS files, leading to faster page loading times and improved app performance throughout.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a web application with multiple CSS files containing various stylesheets for different components and pages. However, not all styles defined in these CSS files are used across functional components or the entire application. With CSS tree shaking, we can eliminate unused styles and generate a leaner stylesheet tailored specifically to the application's requirements.

    Implementing CSS Tree Shaking

    Using Build Tools

    Many modern build tools and frameworks provide built-in support for CSS tree shaking. For example, tools like Webpack, Parcel, and Rollup offer plugins or built-in features for analyzing and removing unused CSS rules during the build process.

    Here's a simplified example of how CSS tree shaking can be implemented using Webpack and the PurgeCSSPlugin:

    // webpack.config.js
    const PurgeCSSPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin');
    const glob = require('glob');
    const path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
      // Other webpack configurations...
      plugins: [
        new PurgeCSSPlugin({
          paths: glob.sync(path.join(__dirname, 'src/**/*.html')),

    In this example:

    • We use the PurgeCSSPlugin to analyze the HTML files in the src directory and remove any CSS rules that are not used in these files.

    • The paths option specifies the paths to the HTML files to be analyzed.

    Using Tools and Services

    Alternatively, there are standalone tools and online services available for CSS tree shaking. For instance, PurifyCSS, UnCSS, and unused-css are popular tools that analyze HTML files and CSS stylesheets to identify and remove unused CSS rules.

    Benefits of CSS Tree Shaking

    1. Reduced File Size: Eliminating unused CSS rules reduces the overall file size of stylesheets, leading to faster loading times for web pages.

    2. Improved Performance: Smaller CSS files result in quicker parsing and rendering by browsers, enhancing the performance of web applications.

    3. Optimized Delivery: By removing unnecessary styles, CSS tree shaking optimizes the delivery of stylesheets to end users, particularly on slower network connections.

    8. Profiling and Optimization

    Profiling and optimization are crucial processes in software development aimed at identifying performance bottlenecks and improving measure the performance and efficiency of applications. Profiling involves analyzing the execution of code to identify areas where optimization is needed, while optimization involves making changes to improve an app's performance. Let's explore profiling and react performance optimization techniques in more detail with examples.

    Understanding Profiling

    Profiling is the process of collecting data about the execution of a program to identify areas of inefficiency or performance bottlenecks. This data can include metrics such as execution time, memory usage, CPU usage, and function call frequencies. Profiling helps developers pinpoint specific areas of code that require optimization to improve overall performance.

    Example Scenario

    Consider a web application that experiences slow loading times or high resource consumption. By profiling the application, developers can identify which parts of the code are consuming the most resources or causing delays. For example, profiling might reveal that a particular function is called frequently or that a specific database query is taking a long time to execute.

    Implementing Profiling :

    Using Profiling Tools

    There are various profiling tools available for different programming languages and platforms. For example, in JavaScript development, tools like Chrome DevTools' Performance panel, Node.js's built-in --prof flag, and libraries like perf_hooks can be used to profile code execution.

    Here's an example of using Chrome DevTools' Performance panel to profile a web application:

    1. Open Chrome DevTools (F12 or right-click and select "Inspect").

    2. Go to the "Performance" tab.

    3. Click the record button (circle) to start recording.

    4. Interact with your web application to perform the actions you want to profile.

    5. Click the stop button (square) to stop recording.

    6. Analyze the performance data, including CPU usage, memory usage, and function call timelines.

    Understanding Optimization

    Optimization involves using performance techniques and making changes to code or system configurations to improve performance based on insights gathered from profiling. Optimization techniques vary depending on the specific performance issues identified during profiling but may include algorithmic improvements, code refactoring, caching strategies, or resource optimizations.

    Example of Optimization

    Let's consider an example where profiling reveals that a web application spends a significant amount of time executing a particular database query. To further optimize web workers' performance for this, developers could:

    • Review and optimize the database schema to improve query performance.

    • Implement caching mechanisms to store the results of frequent queries.

    • Rewrite the query to make it more efficient or reduce the amount of data retrieved.

    Benefits of Profiling and Optimization

    1. Improved Performance: Profiling and optimization lead to faster execution times, reduced resource consumption, and improved responsiveness of applications.

    2. Better User Experience: Faster loading times and smoother interactions enhance the user experience, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

    3. Efficient Resource Utilization: By identifying and eliminating performance bottlenecks, profiling and optimization ensure that resources such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth are used efficiently.


    In conclusion, CSS-in-JS libraries offer a powerful mechanism for styling React applications, but they can introduce performance overhead if not optimized effectively. By implementing the aforementioned optimization techniques, developers can mitigate the performance impact of CSS-in-JS and deliver fast, responsive, and performant applications to end users.

    It is crucial to adopt a proactive approach to performance optimization, regularly profiling and optimizing the application to ensure consistent performance across various platforms and devices. With careful planning and optimization, developers can harness the full potential of CSS-in-JS in React applications while maintaining optimal performance standards.

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