Expert Opinion on Evaluating React Developers

    Thursday, September 12, 202410 min read190 views
    Expert Opinion on Evaluating React Developers

    Understanding React and Its Importance

    What is React?

    React is a JavaScript library primarily used to build user interfaces. It's a component-based library, meaning it breaks down complex user interfaces into smaller, reusable components. This modular approach enhances code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

    React is in high demand for developers in the job market and is a convenient technology for enterprises due to its ability to create large web applications that can change data without reloading the page. So, hiring ReactJS developer who will have an understanding of the libraries and tools becomes mandatory.

    most favored technology for 5 years

    Benefits of using React

    Component-Based Architecture

    • Modularity: Break down the UI into smaller, independent components, making the code more manageable and easier to understand.

    • Reusability: Components can be reused across different parts of the application, reducing development time and effort.

    • Encapsulation: Each component has its own state and logic, promoting better separation of concerns.


    • Syntax Extension: A syntax extension for JavaScript that permits developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript.

    • Declarative Programming: Focuses on describing what you want the UI to look like, rather than how to achieve it.

    Virtual DOM

    • Efficient Rendering: Creates a virtual representation of the DOM in memory.

    • Minimal Updates: When the state of the application changes, React only updates the necessary components in the DOM, resulting in faster performance.

    Unidirectional Data Flow

    • Predictability: Ensures that data flows in one direction, making it easier to reason about and debug applications.

    • State Management: Uses state to manage data within components, promoting a more organized and maintainable codebase.

    Applications that use React

    Single-Page Applications (SPAs): React is well-suited for building SPAs that load a single HTML page and dynamically update content based on user interactions.

    Cross-Platform Applications: React Native allows you to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android using the same JavaScript and React principles.

    Complex User Interfaces: React's component-based architecture and efficient rendering make it ideal for creating complex and interactive user interfaces.

    Data-Driven Applications: React can be used to build applications that dynamically update their UI based on data fetched from APIs or other sources.

    Examples include Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, Gmail, Twitter, Google Drive, and GitHub.

    Data-Driven Applications examples

    The Role of a React Developer

    React has become a tool for creating extraordinary web and mobile applications globally and you have even read the use cases. However, have you thought about the role and responsibilities of the developers? Before you recruit React developers, let's check them out:

    Responsibilities of a React Developer

    Primary Responsibilities

    • Component Development: Creating reusable UI components to structure and organize the application's interface.

    • State Management: Implementing effective state management solutions (e.g., Redux, Context API) to manage data flow within the application.

    • API Integration: Integrating with backend APIs to fetch data, and send data.

    • Testing: Writing unit tests and integration tests to ensure code quality and reliability.

    • Debugging: Identifying and fixing issues in the front-end code.

    Secondary Responsibilities

    • Performance Optimization: Optimizing application performance through techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and efficient rendering.

    • Accessibility: Ensuring that the application is accessible to users with disabilities by adhering to accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).

    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Testing and ensuring the application works as expected across different browsers and devices.

    • Staying Updated: Keeping up-to-date with the latest React features, best practices, and tools.

    • Collaboration: Working closely with other team members, including designers, backend developers, and product managers.

    Skills Required for a React Developer

    We have classified the required skills into two parts - Technical skills required for technical interviews and soft skills for communication and HR interview process.

    Technical Skills

    • JavaScript: A deep understanding of JavaScript syntax, data structures, and programming paradigms is essential.

    • React Framework: Proficiency in using React's core concepts, such as components, state, props, and hooks.

    • JavaScript XML: Ability to write JSX syntax for creating declarative UI components.

    • State Management: Knowledge of popular state management libraries like Redux or Context API.

    • API Integration: Experience in integrating with backend APIs to fetch and send data.

    • Testing: Familiarity with testing frameworks like Jest and React Testing Library for writing unit and integration tests.

    • Debugging: Proficiency in debugging React applications using browser developer tools.

    • Performance Optimization: Understanding techniques to optimize React applications for speed and efficiency.

    • Accessibility: Knowledge of accessibility standards (WCAG) and best practices for creating inclusive user interfaces.

    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ability to ensure that React applications work as expected across different browsers and devices.

    Soft Skills

    • Problem-Solving: The ability to identify and solve complex technical problems.

    • Communication: Effective communication skills to collaborate with team members and stakeholders.

    • Creativity: A creative mindset to design and develop innovative user interfaces.

    • Adaptability: The ability to learn and adapt to new technologies and frameworks.

    • Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail to ensure code quality and accuracy.

    In the interview process, the managers will test these React skills along with other soft skills.

    ReactJS Hiring Challenges and Assessments

    There are a couple of ReactJS coding challenges you might face while hiring and assessing a candidate's skills.

    Top Reactjs Coding Challenges for Recruiters

    1. User Registration Form with Dynamic Validation

    • Create a user registration form with required fields like name, email, and password.

    • Implement dynamic validation to ensure all required fields are filled out correctly.

    • Provide real-time feedback to the user, highlighting errors or incomplete fields.

    2. Responsive Navigation Bar

    • Build a navigation bar that adjusts its layout and appearance based on the screen size.

    • Consider different screen sizes and orientations (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop).

    • Ensure a consistent user experience across all devices.

    3. Task Tracker Application with Local Storage

    • Develop a task tracker application that allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks.

    • Store tasks locally using localStorage to persist data even after the browser is closed.

    • Implement features like task prioritization, due dates, and completion status.

    4. Custom Hook for Data Fetching

    • Create a custom hook that abstracts away the logic for fetching data from an API.

    • Handle loading states, errors, and caching to provide a smooth user experience.

    • Consider using a state management library like Redux or Context API for more complex data management.

    5. Infinite Scroll Implementation

    • Implement infinite scrolling to load more content as the next drag-and-drop user scrolls to the bottom of the page.

    • Optimize performance by using techniques like debouncing or throttling.

    • Ensure smooth transitions and seamless user experience without noticeable delays.

      Project-based assessment and coding simulator


    iMocha's project-based assessment feature offers recruiters a unique way to evaluate a candidate's coding skills in a real-world context. By having candidates build a mini project within a specified timeframe using the tool's compiler or IDE, recruiters can simulate a professional workflow and assess the candidate's ability to deliver a project-ready solution. This approach provides a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of a candidate's coding proficiency compared to traditional coding challenges.

    Preparing for React Coding Challenges

    The difficulty level of the interview process has risen in the last 5 years and therefore, they have less scope to make mistakes. Here are a few things to remember while preparing for the React code challenges.

    Tips for coding challenges in job interviews

    • Ask for clarification on the assignment and requirements.

    • Talk while you’re coding (for live challenges) to showcase your thought process and communication skills.

    • Familiarize yourself with concepts like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching, and dynamic programming.

    • Use a code formatter like Prettier for clean code formatting.

    • Aim for code that is readable, well-formatted, and optimized.

    • Add a README with clear instructions on how to install and run your code.

    Practicing React coding challenges

    • The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become with coding challenges.

    • Practice React coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal.

    • Review ReactJS concepts and practice implementing React components, state management, and asynchronous operations.

    Evaluating React Developer Candidates

    Evaluating React Coding Skills with Coding Challenges

    Coding challenges are an effective way to assess a React developer's problem-solving abilities, proficiency with ReactJS concepts, and practical coding skills. The Reactjs hiring challenges typically involve tasks in React coding.

    You can test your candidate with a plethora of small tasks. This can include creating React components, managing state, handling events, and fetching data from an API. Moreover, you can take more critical tests by asking your candidates to implement complex features such as drag-and-drop functionality, animations, or form validation.

    Importance of testing coding skills

    Testing a candidate's proficiency in ReactJS coding challenges is a crucial step in the hiring process. It allows recruiters to check the skills of each candidate. You can identify the improvement areas where he/she may need further development. You will also evaluate their problem-solving abilities to assess their approach and coding challenges. This will help you identify innovative approaches candidate may add to the team along with knowledge of real-world scenarios.

    Hiring a React Developer

    To hire dedicated React developers, you need to have a systematic process in place to understand their problem-solving skills, practical strategies, and overall thought processes.

    Process of Hiring a React Developer

    1. The Hiring Funnel

    A. Candidate Screening:

    Resume and Cover Letter Review to evaluate candidates' qualifications, experience, and alignment with the job requirements. Moreover, initial phone screening by conducting a brief phone call to assess communication skills, basic technical knowledge, and interest in the position.

    B. Technical Assessment:

    Assign a coding task related to React development to evaluate technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and coding style. Also, provide a take-home project that is a more in-depth project that simulates real-world scenarios to assess the candidate's ability to apply React concepts and work independently.

    C. Technical Interview:

    Ask detailed questions about React concepts, JavaScript, and coding best practices. Present hypothetical situations or coding problems to gauge problem-solving skills and ability to apply knowledge. If applicable, assess knowledge of specific React libraries or tools (e.g., Redux, Next.js).

    1. Specify Your Requirements

    Clearly define the essential skills, experience, and qualifications required for the React developer role in the job description. Avoid vague or overly broad requirements. Prioritize Core Competencies and most critical skills, such as understanding of React components, state, props, JSX, and React Hooks.

    Tailor to Project Needs to specify requirements of your project and adjust the job description accordingly. Employ relevant keywords in your job posting to attract qualified candidates and improve search engine visibility.

    What to Look for in a React Developer

    We understand the concern of hiring managers regarding the process and skills. React web development requires developers who have extensive knowledge of relevant tools, libraries, and related resources. Moreover, it requires you to stay up-to-date with all the existing and upcoming versions of React.

    To understand the selection process and required skills for ReactJS developers, we asked our 3 senior technical experts to outline the skills tested by them in candidates. Here is what they said:

    Navnath Jadhav, Technical Product Lead

    We spoke to our technical product lead at Angular Minds, a web and application developer with 8 years of experience. He is skilled in multiple technologies including MEAN, MERN, Cloud: GCP, and AWS along with CI/CD tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and GKE. He is an active member of the React community and his experience makes him crucial for React developers hiring.

    According to him, these are some of the technical skills required in React developers:

    • Understanding of React components, lifecycle methods, and hooks (e.g., useState, useEffect, useContext).

    • Ability to create reusable and modular components.

    • Proficiency in managing state with tools like Redux, Context API, or Zustand.

    • Experience with React Router for client-side routing.

    • Strong understanding of JSX syntax and how it translates to JavaScript.

    • Knowledge of how React's Virtual DOM works and how to optimize rendering.

    • Familiarity with performance optimization techniques (e.g., memoization, lazy loading, code splitting).

    • Experience with implementing error boundaries to handle JavaScript errors in React components.

    • Proficiency in handling forms in React, including controlled and uncontrolled components.

    • Understanding of testing React components with libraries like React Testing Library and Jest.

    • Strong grasp of modern JavaScript (ES6+), including asynchronous programming (Promises, async/await).

    • Ability to write type-safe React applications with TypeScript.

    • Ability to build responsive and accessible UIs.

    • Familiarity with build tools like Webpack, Vite, or Parcel.

    • Knowledge of design patterns and best practices in React and front-end development.

    • Ability to write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code.

    • Willingness to learn and adapt to new tools, libraries, and best practices.

    Abhijit Borade, Director of Technology

    Abhijit has 8+ years of experience in designing and developing scalable applications in multiple niches. He is a seasoned developer with expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, MEAN, MERN, Angular, React, Node, MongoDB, and more. In the past few years, he has been an active part of talent acquisition, and when we asked him about what he looks for in a candidate, this is what he said:

    When hiring React developers, whether experienced or junior, I look for a solid understanding of JavaScript and their ability to work with React.js. For experienced developers, I expect them to be comfortable with advanced React features like custom hooks and state management using tools like Redux.

    They should have experience building complex applications, creating reusable components, and solving challenging problems independently. They should also be able to communicate well with different teams and help junior developers.

    For junior developers, I look for a strong foundation in JavaScript and a basic understanding of React.js. They should be eager to learn and grow, with a good attitude towards teamwork and problem-solving. While they may not have as much experience, their willingness to learn and improve is crucial, and they should be able to take direction and contribute to projects as they develop their skills.

    Sagar Ajage, Senior Software Engineer

    He is a Senior Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in MERN stack development. Sagar has successfully built and optimized e-commerce platforms and SaaS products, by managing both the server-side and client-side of applications. We were keen to know his experience in recruiting React developers and this is what he said:

    A skilled React developer should be proficient in HTML/CSS for creating responsive layouts and have strong JavaScript ES6+ skills. They need to understand React's component-based architecture and manage the state effectively with hooks, React Context API, or Redux.

    Experience with CSS preprocessors and frameworks like Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap is also valuable. Understanding React's component lifecycle methods is crucial for managing and optimizing component behavior throughout different stages of rendering. Additionally, familiarity with API integration, effective use of Git, and a commitment to continuous learning are essential for keeping up with industry changes.

    Required Skills

    • HTML/CSS knowledge: Ability to create responsive and visually appealing layouts using HTML and CSS, including Flexbox and Grid.

    • JavaScript ES6+ proficiency: Strong understanding of modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, async/await, and destructuring.

    • Understanding of JSX syntax: Familiarity with JSX, the syntax extension that allows mixing HTML with JavaScript in React components.

    • Types of components(Functional and class components): Understanding of how to use both functional and class-based components in React.

    • Component-based architecture: Skill in breaking down UIs into reusable, modular components for better code management.

    • State management (useState, useEffect, Redux): Experience managing state within components using hooks and external libraries like Redux.

    • React Router for navigation: Ability to implement client-side routing for navigation between different views or pages in a React app.

    • API integration (REST, GraphQL): Knowledge of how to fetch and manipulate data from external APIs using tools like Axios or the Fetch API.

    • Version control using Git: Proficiency in using Git for version control, including branching, merging, and collaborating with others.

    Bonus Skills

    • Build tools (Webpack, Babel, CRA): Familiarity with build tools and environments like Webpack, Babel, Vite, and Create React App (CRA).

    • Testing (Jest, React Testing Library): Experience writing and running tests using frameworks like Jest and tools like React Testing Library.

    • Debugging and performance optimization: Ability to debug React applications using developer tools and optimize performance with techniques like memoization.

    • Responsive design techniques: Experience in creating mobile-first, responsive designs that work well on various screen sizes.

    • Developer tools (React DevTools, ESLint, Prettier): Proficiency with tools like React DevTools for debugging and ESLint/Prettier for code quality.

    • Continuous learning mindset: Willingness to stay updated with the latest React features and industry trends

    Maximizing hiring success with Angular Minds

    Finding the most suitable resources and acquiring them for your project is a challenge as the process is lengthy and even after that, you don't get the right fit. If this sounds familiar to you, Angular Minds can assist you onboard the finest talent on a contractual basis. In 2 days, you can acquire resources with specific domain expertise and experience of 3 years, 5 years, and above. Angular Minds supports you in choosing the right React developers by providing

    • 2-week free trial

    • IP rights protection

    • Time zone compatibility

    • Industry-based programming experience

    • Knowledge of all the latest tools, libraries, and innovative technologies

    Final thoughts on hiring the best React developers

    To hire a Reactjs developer, adhere to specific requirements and look for expertise and practical experience in React development tools. You should consider the skills of the engineer, including technical and soft skills. Evaluate problem-solving skills, willingness for continuous learning, and ability to work in a team. It is essential to hire a candidate who is an eager learner and can work in a team.

    To onboard React developers on a contractual basis, get in touch with us today at


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