What is Synthetic Event in React

    Dec 5, 202410 min read1791 viewsUpdated:Mar 28, 2025
    What is Synthetic Event in React

    React, the popular JavaScript library has revolutionized how we build user interfaces by offering a component-based architecture. One of the critical aspects of React is its efficient handling of user interactions through events.

    While traditional JavaScript uses native browser events, React abstracts and normalizes them into Synthetic Events. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what synthetic events in React are, how they differ from the browser's native event, and how you can effectively use them in your React application.

    Introduction to Synthetic Events

    Synthetic events in React are a unified layer over native browser events, providing a consistent and cross-browser-compatible event handling system. Unlike native DOM events, synthetic events are JavaScript objects created automatically by React when an event handler function is passed as an argument. This abstraction ensures that events work identically across different browsers, eliminating the inconsistencies often encountered with native events.

    One of the key features of synthetic events in React is event pooling. Event pooling is a performance optimization technique where React reuses event objects instead of creating new ones for each event. This reduces memory overhead and enhances the performance of your application. When an event handler is invoked, React wraps the underlying browser event in a synthetic event object, providing a consistent API for accessing event properties.

    By using synthetic events, React developers can write cleaner and more maintainable code, without worrying about the quirks of different browsers. This unified approach simplifies event handling and ensures that your application behaves consistently across all platforms.

    React Synthetic Event

    Synthetic Event in React is an abstraction over native browser events. It is designed to provide a consistent, cross-browser interface for handling events in React applications. When an event is triggered in a React component, React wraps it into a Synthetic Event, that conforms to the W3C specification. This enables React to handle the event uniformly, ensuring that it behaves consistently across all browsers.

    In essence, Synthetic Events are normalized and cross-browser compatible wrappers for the native events, which are often inconsistent across different browsers. This ensures that your application behaves as expected no matter what browser or platform it runs on.

    Event Handler and Synthetic Events

    An event handler is a function that is called when an event occurs. You can attach event handlers to elements in React using the onEventName attributes. For example: < button onClick={handleClick}>Click me!< /button> When the user clicks the button, React will trigger the handleClick function. Under the hood, React will wrap the browser’s native click event inside a Synthetic Event object. This Synthetic Event, which serves as a cross-browser wrapper, will then be passed to the handleClick function as an argument, allowing access to the underlying native event through the nativeEvent attribute if necessary.

    Why Does React Use Synthetic Events?

    React introduced Synthetic Events as part of React's event system to ensure consistent behavior across different browsers, enhance performance, and make it easier to work with events in a cross-platform environment. Without this abstraction, developers would need to handle the quirks and inconsistencies of the native browser events for each event type, leading to complex and error-prone code.

    React’s Synthetic Event system also allows for event pooling, which can improve performance by reusing event objects rather than creating new ones every time an event occurs.

    Native Events vs. Synthetic Events

    Understanding the distinction between browser's native events and Synthetic Events is crucial for working with React’s event system. Let’s break down the differences:

    Native Browser Events:

    Native events are the raw events provided by the browser. Examples include click, keydown, submit, and focus.

    These events are specific to the browser and may behave differently in different environments, especially across browsers and platforms.

    Native events are handled directly by the browser and have browser-specific behaviors and quirks (e.g., focusing or blurring events might behave differently in different browsers).

    Synthetic Events:

    Synthetic events are React’s cross-browser wrapper around the native browser events.

    React normalizes the event properties so that they behave identically in all browsers.

    Synthetic events implement the same interface as the native events but provide a consistent API across multiple platforms.

    Supported Events in React

    React supports a wide range of events, allowing developers to handle various user interactions seamlessly. These events are triggered by actions such as clicking, hovering, typing, and more. Here are some of the supported events in React:

    • UI Events: onScroll, onWheel

    • Mouse Events: onClick, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, onMouseOver, onMouseOut

    • Keyboard Events: onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp

    • Focus Events: onFocus, onBlur, onFocusIn, onFocusOut

    • Form Events: onChange, onSubmit, onReset, onInvalid

    • Image Events: onLoad, onError

    • Animation Events: onAnimationStart, onAnimationEnd, onAnimationIteration

    • Transition Events: onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd, onTransitionRun

    Each of these events can be handled using event handlers in React. For example, focus events like onFocus and onBlur are crucial for managing user interactions with form elements, ensuring a consistent user experience across different browsers. Similarly, image events like onLoad and onError help manage the loading state of images, providing feedback to users when images fail to load.

    By leveraging these supported events, developers can create interactive and responsive user interfaces that respond to a wide range of user actions.

    Event Propagation in Synthetic Events

    In React, event propagation (the process through which events travel from the target element to the root of the DOM tree) is managed by the Synthetic Event system. This propagation is divided into two phases:

    Capture Phase

    The Capture Phase (also known as the capturing phase) is the first phase of event propagation. During this phase, the event begins at the root of the DOM tree and propagates downward to the target element. This phase occurs before the event reaches the target element and before it triggers any event listeners attached to the target.

    • During the Capture Phase, React checks for event listeners set to capture events at higher levels in the component tree. These listeners are called as the event travels down.

    • For example, if a click event happens on a button, React will first check for listeners registered at higher levels (like the div container or the body element) in the Capture Phase before the event reaches the button itself.

    Here’s an example of how you might set up an event listener that listens during the Capture Phase:

    <div onClickCapture={handleCaptureClick}>
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me!</button>

    In this example, the onClickCapture event handler on the div will be triggered during the Capture Phase before the onClick handler on the button. This allows you to intercept and handle the event before it reaches the button.

    Bubbling Phase

    The Bubbling Phase is the second phase of event propagation. It occurs after the event reaches the target element and ascends from the target element back up to the root of the DOM tree.

    • During the Bubbling Phase, React will check for any event listeners attached to elements along the way back up the tree, starting from the target and moving outward toward the root.

    • For example, after the click event reaches the button, it will bubble up and check for event listeners at the div container and any parent elements.

    In the same example as before, the onClick handler attached to the button will be triggered in the Bubbling Phase after the onClickCapture event on the div has been handled:

    <div onClickCapture={handleCaptureClick}>
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me!</button>

    In this case, after the event reaches the button, the handleClick function will be triggered, and the event will then bubble up to the div (if any other event listeners are registered for onClick on the div).

    React provides a convenient way to handle both phases using the capture and bubble phases, allowing you to control how events are propagated in your component tree. This is similar to how events work in the DOM but is enhanced by React's synthetic event system.

    Focus Events in React

    Focus events event names are commonly used to manage user interaction with form elements like inputs and buttons. React normalizes these focus events, including onFocus, onBlur, and others, into Synthetic Events. This ensures that the behavior of these events is consistent across different browsers.

    For example: < input onFocus={handleFocus} onBlur={handleBlur} /> Here, React will provide consistent focus event behavior, no matter what browser the user is using. Focus events are particularly important when dealing with form elements, ensuring a seamless user experience.

    Key Features of React's Synthetic Events

    1. Event Pooling

    One of the most notable features of React's Synthetic Events is event pooling. When an event is triggered, React reuses the Synthetic Event object to reduce the overhead of creating new objects. Once the event handler finishes, React resets the event object, freeing up memory and improving performance.

    However, this means that the properties of the event are only available for the duration of the event handler's execution. To avoid issues with accessing event properties asynchronously (for example, within a setTimeout), you can call event.persist() on the event object to prevent pooling.

    handleEvent = (event) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(event.target); // Will not be null due to persist
      }, 1000);

    2. Cross-Browser Compatibility

    Synthetic events abstract the differences between browsers, ensuring that react events work identically across multiple platforms. For example, focus and blur events can behave differently in some browsers, but React normalizes them so that they fire and propagate the same way in all modern browsers.

    React’s event system wraps native events with consistent properties, allowing for cross-browser compatibility with no extra code on your part.

    3. Consistent Event Properties

    React ensures that all Synthetic Events have consistent properties across different browsers. For example, the target property will always reference the element that triggered the event, and the currentTarget property will always reference the element to which the event handler is attached.

    This consistency allows developers to focus on writing application logic without worrying about the underlying implementation details of the browser.

    4. Event Handler Function

    An event handler function is a function that React calls when a specific event occurs. React passes the Synthetic Event object to the event handler, giving you access to event properties like target, type, and currentTarget. You can use these properties to handle user input, trigger actions, or manage component state.

    handleClick = (event) => {
      console.log(event.target); // Element that was clicked

    5. Event Names in React

    React uses specific event names for different types of events. These event names are written in camelCase format, so instead of using the HTML onclick attribute, you use onClick.

    For example, instead of using:

    <button onclick="handleClick()">Click me</button>

    In React, you would write:

    <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>

    This naming convention ensures consistency and works seamlessly with React's event system.

    6. Handling Different Event Types

    React supports a wide variety of event types, including mouse events, keyboard events, focus events, touch events, and more. Here are some examples of events you can handle in React:

    • Mouse Events: onClick, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave

    • Keyboard Events: onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKeyPress

    • Focus Events: onFocus, onBlur

    • Touch Events: onTouchStart, onTouchMove, onTouchEnd

    React provides a consistent API for handling all these events across multiple browsers.

    7. Performance Considerations

    One of the advantages of React’s Synthetic Event system is performance optimization. React batches event handling and leverages techniques like event delegation to reduce the number of event listeners attached to DOM elements. This helps ensure that your application remains fast and responsive even with many event listeners.

    Handling Form Elements with Event Handlers

    React provides a seamless way to handle form elements using event handlers. One of the most commonly used event handlers for form elements is the onChange event handler. This event handler is triggered whenever the value of an input field changes, allowing you to update the component state in real-time.

    For example: <input type="text" onChange={handleInputChange} /> In this example, the handleInputChange function will be called every time the user types into the input field. The synthetic event object passed to the event handler provides access to the current value of the input, enabling you to update the state accordingly.

    Synthetic events ensure that the React component state is the single source of truth for form values. This leads to more predictable and controlled behavior, as the state always reflects the current value of the form elements. By using synthetic events, you can manage form inputs efficiently and ensure a consistent user experience across different browsers.

    At Angular Minds, a leading ReactJS app development company, we specialize in building fast, cross-browser React apps using React's synthetic events for optimal performance.

    Advanced Event Handling Techniques

    React provides advanced event handling techniques that enhance performance and simplify event management. Two key techniques are event delegation and event pooling.

    Event Delegation: Event delegation allows you to handle events at a higher level in the component tree, reducing the number of event handlers needed. Instead of attaching an event handler to each individual element, you can attach a single event handler to a parent element and manage events for all its children. This approach improves performance and makes your code more maintainable.

    Event Pooling: Event pooling is a mechanism used by React to improve performance by reusing event objects for different events. When an event is triggered, React reuses the synthetic event object instead of creating a new one. This reduces memory overhead and enhances the performance of your application. If you need to access event properties asynchronously, you can call event.persist() to prevent the event from being pooled.

    React also provides a range of event handler functions for handling specific types of events. These include:

    • AnimationEvent

    • ClipboardEvent

    • CompositionEvent

    • DragEvent

    • FocusEvent

    • InputEvent

    • KeyboardEvent

    • MouseEvent

    • PointerEvent

    • TouchEvent

    • TransitionEvent

    • UIEvent

    These event handler functions give you fine-grained control over event handling in React, allowing you to manage a wide variety of user interactions effectively.

    By leveraging these advanced event handling techniques, you can create performant and responsive applications that handle user interactions efficiently.

    Best Practices for Writing Event Handlers in React

    When writing event handlers in React, keep these best practices in mind:

    Use Arrow Functions for Event Handlers:

    To avoid issues with this binding, prefer using arrow functions for event handlers.

    <button onClick={(event) => this.handleClick(event)}>Click me</button>

    Prevent Default Behavior:

    Sometimes, it may be necessary to stop the default behavior of an event, such as preventing a form from being submitted when a button is clicked. You can do this by calling event.preventDefault() inside the event handler.

    handleSubmit = (event) => {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission

    Handle Event Propagation:

    If you need to stop event propagation, use event.stopPropagation(). This prevents the event from bubbling up or capturing down the DOM tree.

    handleClick = (event) => {
      event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent event from bubbling

    Persist Events for Asynchronous Use:

    If you need to use event data asynchronously (e.g., after a delay), you must call event.persist() to prevent the event from being pooled.

    handleClick = (event) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(event.target); // Access event properties after delay
      }, 1000);

    In Summary

    Synthetic Events are a crucial part of React's event system, providing a consistent and performant way to handle user interactions. By wrapping native browser events into a cross-browser-compatible API, React ensures that your event handlers work seamlessly across different browsers and platforms.

    Understanding the differences between native events and Synthetic Events, as well as the benefits of React's event pooling and event propagation system, will help you write efficient and bug-free event handlers. With React’s event system, handling user input, triggering actions, and managing your UI becomes straightforward and predictable, regardless of the underlying browser or device.


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