The Difference Between RSC and SSR in React

    Friday, September 27, 20248 min read129 views
    The Difference Between RSC and SSR in React

    What is React?

    React is a widely adopted open-source JavaScript library, specifically designed to help developers create user interfaces (UIs), especially for single-page applications (SPAs) that need to handle frequently changing dynamic content.

    Initially released by Facebook in 2013, React revolutionized how complex UIs are built by introducing the concept of breaking the UI into smaller, reusable components. Each component manages its own logic and rendering, which makes building and scaling large applications much more efficient.

    React employs a declarative programming style, where developers specify how the UI should appear for a given state, and React efficiently manages the UI updates and re-renders.

    Overview of Rendering Techniques in React

    React offers a variety of rendering approaches designed to optimize performance and enhance the user experience by distributing the workload between the server and the client. These approaches include:

    • Client-Side Rendering (CSR): In this method, the browser initially loads a basic HTML structure and then uses JavaScript to construct the complete UI on the user's device. While it may cause slower initial page loads, CSR enables rich interactivity once the app is fully loaded.

    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Here, the server generates the HTML for the entire page before sending it to the browser. This reduces the time it takes for users to view the content because the page is already rendered when they receive it, which also benefits SEO and perceived performance.

    • Static Site Generation (SSG): Similar to SSR, SSG creates fully rendered HTML files but does so during the build process rather than when a user requests a page. This enables faster load times and reduces server processing, making it ideal for static content that doesn’t need frequent updates.

    • React Server Components (RSC): A more recent innovation, RSC allows parts of the UI to be rendered on the server and others on the client. This hybrid approach balances the demands on both the server and the client, improving overall performance and efficiency.

    Each technique offers different benefits, depending on the specific needs of an application, such as load times, server resources, or interactivity.

    Introduction to React Server Components

    What are React Server Components?

    React Server Components (RSCs) are a new technique in React, that allows the server to address the rendering of unique elements of software rather than depending completely on the client side. This hybrid version allows developers to selectively render non-interactive components at the server, at the same time as interactive components remain handled on the client side. The main moto is to enhance performance and accelerate rendering by means of decreasing the weight.

    RSCs are optimized for static elements, information-extensive techniques, or any component that do not require user interaction. via giving these duties to the server, the general software overall performance is progressed, because the client gets a lighter workload with decreased JavaScript bundles, which results in faster loading instances and smoother studies.

    Definition and fundamental concepts

    • Server Components: These are React components that run on the server. They generate HTML, which is sent to the user's browser. These components don’t include any JavaScript for interactions so they are meant for displaying static content.

    • Client Components: These are regular React components that run in the browser. They handle things like user clicks, form inputs, and dynamic content. They need JavaScript to work because they interact with users directly.

    • Partial Hydration: Not all parts of the webpage need to be interactive. With partial hydration, only the parts that need JavaScript (like buttons or forms) are activated, while the rest remains as simple HTML. This reduces the amount of JavaScript sent to the user's browser, making the page load faster.

    • Streaming: Instead of waiting for the entire page to be ready, React Server Components can be sent to the browser in chunks. This means users start seeing parts of the page sooner, improving the loading time and making the application feel more responsive.

    How React Server components paintings

    • Server-side Rendering (SSR): React components are first rendered on the server, creating HTML that is then sent to the user's browser.

    • Client-side Rendering (CSR): Once the browser gets the HTML from the server, it only adds JavaScript for the interactive parts of the page (like buttons or forms).

    • Streaming HTML: The server can send parts of the webpage in small chunks, so users start seeing the content sooner, without waiting for the entire page to load.

    • Separation of Concerns: The server handles tasks like getting data and rendering parts of the page that don't need interaction. The browser handles things like user clicks, inputs, and other interactive behaviors.

    React Server components

    • Simplified Data Fetching: Data is fetched directly on the server, so there's less need for complicated code on the browser side. This makes it faster to get the data and display it.

    • Better Performance for Users: Since the server does most of the rendering work, the browser has less JavaScript to process. This makes the page load faster, especially on slower devices.

    • Easier for Developers: Developers can separate what runs on the server (like data fetching) from what runs in the browser (like user interactions). This makes the code easier to manage and keep organized.

    Drawbacks of React Server components

    • Limited Interactivity: React Server Components aren’t interactive on their own. This means that any part of the app that needs to respond to user actions (like buttons, forms, or animations) still has to be handled by regular client-side components.

    • Learning Curve and Adoption: React Server Components bring new ideas, like streaming, partial hydration, and separating server and client logic. Developers need to learn these new ways of working, which might be difficult for teams used to traditional React development.

    • Compatibility with Tools: Since React Server Components are new, some libraries and tools in the React ecosystem might not fully support them yet. Developers may have to wait for certain libraries to support Server Components or create custom solutions.

    Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

    What is Server-Side Rendering?

    Server-side Rendering (SSR) is a method where the server creates the full HTML for a webpage before sending it to the user. Unlike client-side rendering, where the browser downloads and processes JavaScript to show content, SSR sends pre-made pages directly from the server, allowing users to see the content faster.

    Definition and fundamental ideas

    SSR entails the server processing the important logic to render a web page, together with fetching information and executing JavaScript, and sending a fully shaped HTML file. this indicates the browser doesn’t need to watch for JavaScript to execute in an effort to display content. as soon as the page is added, the consumer can take over for any in addition dynamic interactions.

    Advantages of SSR

    • Improved Search Engine Optimization: Search engines can easily read the complete HTML page, making SSR better for getting higher search rankings compared to client-side rendering.

    • Faster Initial Load Time: Users see a ready page faster because the server sends complete HTML, reducing the time the browser needs to process JavaScript.

    • Better Performance on Slow Devices: Devices with less power benefit from SSR since they get pre-made content, reducing the work they have to do.

    Drawbacks of SSR

    • Expanded Server Load: because the server has to generate HTML for every request, it can use more resources and bandwidth, especially during heavy traffic.

    • Complexity in state control: managing state between the server and client will become complex, as you want to ensure the server and consumer are synchronized.

    • Demanding situations with Interactivity: SSR needs careful handling of interactive elements because the initial HTML might not have the necessary JavaScript loaded yet, which could delay user interactions.

    Comparing SSR and React Server Components

    React Server Components (RSC) vs. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

    React Server Components (RSC) and Server-Side Rendering (SSR) are very powerful methods used in web development to improve performance and user experience. Both involve server-side processing, but they work differently, have different abilities, and are used in different ways.

    This comparison will show these differences and offer guidance on when to use SSR or React Server Components, including things to think about for existing systems.

    How SSR Works:

    SSR is a way where the complete page is rendered on the server before being sent to the user. The flow for SSR involves the following steps:

    A user sends a request to the server for a particular page. The server processes the request, fetches any required data, and runs the necessary logic to generate the HTML. Once the HTML is ready, the server sends the fully rendered HTML page to the user. After the client receives the HTML, it downloads and runs JavaScript to make the page interactive by "hydrating" the static HTML with React's virtual DOM.

    React Server Components Rendering Flow:

    React Server Components (RSC) focus on rendering specific, non-interactive components on the server while leaving client-side interactivity to client components. Here’s how the RSC flow works:

    When a request for a webpage is made, the server renders the non-interactive React components. Any needed data fetching is handled directly on the server for server-rendered components.

    The server sends the rendered HTML for non-interactive components, either fully or in streamed chunks, to the client. The client handles the rendering and hydration of interactive components, which aren't part of the server-side rendering.

    Performance Considerations

    SSR Performance:

    SSR excels in improving performance for the initial page load. Since the server sends fully rendered HTML, the user can see content almost immediately, which is especially helpful for slower network connections.

    However, SSR can strain the server under heavy traffic as it has to generate and send full HTML pages for every request. Additionally, there might be a delay as the client-side JavaScript has to hydrate the page, which may affect the interactivity of complex applications.

    RSC Performance:

    React Server Components take a more modular approach by rendering only non-interactive components on the server and offloading interactive components to the client. This reduces the amount of JavaScript sent to the client, which can result in smaller package sizes, faster load times, and better performance for end users.

    RSC also allows streaming, where HTML content is delivered gradually, resulting in faster initial rendering and reduced time to interactivity, making it helpful for complex applications. The performance benefits from RSC are more noticeable in apps with a large number of static or non-interactive components.

    When to apply React Server components

    Applications with Combined Interactivity:
    RSC is a great fit for applications where only some parts of the page need interactivity, while others remain static. For example, content-heavy apps that have a lot of static content (like articles, product descriptions) and interactive elements (like forms, buttons) can benefit from this approach.

    Performance-Centric Applications:
    RSC is especially useful for complex apps where performance is important. By splitting the rendering between the server and client, RSC improves overall performance, reducing the amount of JavaScript needed on the client and allowing faster loading times.

    Modern Web Applications:
    For apps that need fine control over performance and rendering, RSC provides more flexibility. It allows developers to build large-scale applications with a more modular approach, focusing on server-rendered components for static content and client-rendered components for dynamic interaction.

    How to Integrate SSR with a Built-In Architecture

    Integrating SSR into an existing project requires some architectural changes:

    Server Setup:
    SSR needs a strong backend that can handle rendering requests. Frameworks like Next.js offer built-in support for SSR, making the integration process simpler.

    Data Fetching Logic:
    In SSR, data fetching happens on the server before the HTML is rendered. Developers need to ensure that data-fetching logic is placed in server-side code properly.

    After the server sends the rendered HTML, the React app needs to be hydrated. This means configuring the client-side React code to continue where the server left off, making the page interactive.

    For high-traffic apps, caching is crucial to reduce server load. Developers need to implement server-side caching strategies to improve performance.

    How to Integrate React Server Components with Existing Projects

    Integrating RSC is a bit different and requires a clear separation between server and client components:

    Component Structure:
    Developers should separate their components into server-rendered and client-rendered ones. Server components are responsible for non-interactive tasks, like rendering static data or content.

    Data Fetching:
    Data fetching logic is kept within server components, making client-side data handling simpler. Since RSC handles data on the server, developers need to adjust their existing client-side data-fetching logic accordingly.

    Streaming Setup:
    To fully use RSC’s streaming capabilities, the app needs to be configured to send server-rendered content to the client bit by bit. This requires setting up the server to stream data as it becomes available.

    Framework Support:
    RSC is still a newer technology, and frameworks like Next.js or other SSR-capable frameworks are evolving to provide better support. Integrating RSC into an existing project might require adopting a framework that can handle both client and server components smoothly.

    Implementation Details

    Setting Up SSR in a React Application

    Setting up SSR in a React application typically involves using a framework like Next.js, which provides built-in support for SSR, or manually configuring SSR with Node.js and Express.

    Tools and Libraries for SSR:

    Next.js: A React framework that simplifies SSR implementation with routing, static generation, and API routes.

    ReactDOMServer: Provides methods like renderToString and renderToNodeStream to render React components on the server.

    Basic Configuration and Setup:

    Install Next.js:

    npx create-next-app my-ssr-app

    Enable SSR: Simply export React components as regular pages. Next.js automatically handles SSR.

    export default function Home({ data }) {
        return <div>{data}</div>;
    export async function getServerSideProps() {
        const res = await fetch('');
        const data = await res.json();
        return { props: { data } };

    Example Code:

    export default function Home({ data }) {
      return <div>Server-rendered data: {data}</div>;
    export async function getServerSideProps() {
      const res = await fetch('');
      const data = await res.json();
      return { props: { data } };

    Setting Up React Server Components

    React Server Components are a newer feature that can be set up using Next.js or other compatible frameworks.

    Next.js (experimental): Provides support for RSC and streaming.

    React Server Components API: Uses useServerProps to handle server-side rendering of components.

    Basic Configuration and Setup:

    Install Experimental Next.js Version:

    npx create-next-app@canary --experimental-server-components my-rsc-app

    Define Server and Client Components:
    Separate non-interactive server components and interactive client components.

    // Server Component
    export default function ServerComponent() {
        return <div>This is rendered on the server.</div>;
    // Client Component
    import { useState } from 'react';
    export default function ClientComponent() {
        const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
        return <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Count: {count}</button>;

    Example Code:

    // pages/index.server.js
    export default function ServerComponent() {
      return <div>This is server-rendered content.</div>;

    Handling Data Fetching and State Management

    Data Fetching in SSR: Data fetching in SSR is handled server-side, ensuring that the server sends fully populated HTML to the client. Tools like getServerSideProps in Next.js handle data fetching during page requests.

    Once the data is fetched on the server, it is passed as props to the React component, reducing client-side data fetching complexity.

    Data Fetching in React Server Components: In RSC, data fetching is managed on the server within the component itself. Server components fetch and render data without requiring client-side fetching. This leads to a streamlined process where static or non-interactive content is fetched and rendered entirely on the server.

    Managing State in Both Approaches:

    SSR State Management: State is managed traditionally on the client side after the server delivers the pre-rendered HTML. Hydration makes the page interactive, and React’s useState and useEffect hooks are used for managing dynamic behavior.

    RSC State Management: Server components don’t maintain the state themselves but pass data to client components, where the state is managed. Client components handle any interactivity using hooks like useState and useEffect.

    React Rendering from SSR to RSC

    You can transition from SSR to RSC in React in 5 simple steps:

    Step 1: Identify Suitable Components that are data-heavy, render complex UI, or are frequently used.

    Step 2: Convert to RSC by using useServerSideRendering hook to indicate server-side rendering.

    Step 3: Handle Data Fetching with getStaticProps or getServerSideProps for server-side data fetching.

    Step 4: Consider Streaming for large components, use streaming to gradually send HTML.

    Step 5: Test and Optimize thoroughly your application to ensure performance.


    Both Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and React Server Components (RSC) offer unique advantages and challenges. SSR is great for SEO-driven, content-heavy applications that need fast initial loading times.

    RSC, on the other hand, is better suited for modern applications that need a mix of static and interactive components, offering improved performance and better optimization of client resources.

    When deciding which approach to use, consider the goals of your project. SSR is a good choice for applications where SEO and fast content delivery are important, while RSC excels in performance-focused apps that need modular and efficient rendering.

    Both technologies can be integrated into existing systems, but the path to adoption may vary depending on the complexity of your architecture and the flexibility of the framework you're using.


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